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Alice's POV

I woke up with warm arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes only to see Wally snoring away. It was a little awkward but I relaxed and tried to sleep again since it was still dark. I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes. He woke up though and I felt his eyes on me so I tuned in.

KF 's thoughts:

Alice is really cute when she sleeps. She looked beautiful the day I met her I mean look at those lips. So plump and pink I just wanna.... No she is your team member and you barley know anything about her.

Back to Alice:

He was going to kiss me! My cheeks started to burn and I hoped he didn't know I was awake. He eventually laid his head back down and went back to sleep. I then let the darkness consume me.

In the morning Kid Flash's POV

I opened my eyes with Alice still snuggling against me to see the whole team staring at us. "Such a cute couple." Meghan teased. I shuffled a little bit a deep crimson blush on my face and Alice opened her eyes. She saw the team and emedietley got of the couch, Blushing like mad. "So Wally you like her?" Meghan said happily in my head. My blushed somehow deepened and Yelled at Meghan to get out of my head. Aqualad spoke up "We were all going to the beach and were wondering if you would like to come along?" Before I could reply Alice spoke. "Oh I would love to go to the beach it is one of my favorite places ever!" She exclaimed. The team and I looked at her taking in this new side of her we had never seen before. At first she was cocky, sneaky, secretive, and quiet now she seemed her own age.

......Alice's POV

I stood there nervously staring at my painted toes sinking into the sand. It felt like I was alone in my own thoughts while everyone stared at me. Maybe I should make a friend I mean I guess I needed a friend who was a girl so we could talk about girly things, since I really had not had one in seven years. I spoke in Meghan's head. "Hey Meghan." I swallowed waiting for a response. "Oh Hi Alice what a nice surprise to have you talking to me!" she said in her head. "Ummm would you like to be friends with me I mean I really have not had a friend in SEVEN years so maybe, you could help me?" I said. " Definitely I would love to be your friend!" she answered. "Great!" I smiled at her, and our conversation ended. I ran toward the water not being able to control myself any longer. I dove into the water with a big splash. As I was swimming and playing around with everyone I noticed Wally on the beach staring at me. I walked over to him. "Wally, close your mouth your starting to catch flies. " I said. Where that came from I don't know but his reaction was priceless.

We spent the whole day at the beach. Playing in the water, grilling hotdogs and hamburgers, and just sitting in the sun.

We started a bonfire as the sun went down. We sat in a circle around the fire. Wally and Robin next to me Meghan across from me with Aqualad and Superboy next to her. I placed my hand next to Wally's so we were almost touching. He bumped my hand and then rested his hand on mine.

We all decided to play truth or dare after the sun went down. Here is how it went.

Meghan: Alice, truth or dare?

Alice: Ummm Dare.

Meghan: I dare u too (she used telepathy) kiss Robin on the cheek.

I blushed at the fact that no one new what she had dared me.

I kissed Robin on the cheek and looked down my face crimson.

Meghan giggled and I looked at Robin whose was blushing ferociously.

Meghan: Okay who wants to go next.

Aqualad: I shall go. Wally truth or dare?


Aqualad:I dare you to eat as many hotdogs as you can in one minute.

Wally began to eat the hotdogs and I giggled as he stuffed himself.

Me: you know Wally your pretty skilled at eating hotdogs I mean I can't believe you ate 25!

He laughed at my amazement.

Wally: I'll go next. Conner, Truth or dare?


Wally: Who is your favorite member of the team?

Conner: Meghan.

Meghan blushed and I giggled.

Conner: Meghan truth or dare?

Meghan: Dare!

Conner: (whispering in her ear) make us float.

Meghan smiled and I lifted of the ground. I flew higher and higher. I then reached the clouds. I was spun in a circle. then suddenly I was falling. I screamed and hit the sand. Meghan lowered everyone and they rushed over to me.

Wally: Are u alright?

I was breathing heavily and except for my back I was okay. "I'm fine." I replied.

Robin: What happened Meghan?!

Meghan: Well I was making you float when your body suddenly rejected my powers."

"I rejected them?"

She nodded. Why had I rejected them it was just fine in my head.

We continued the game.

Wally: Alice truth or dare?


Wally: What are those tattoos on your back.

I froze. Telling them would unlock the dark secrets of my past. They would as more questions about me. I decided I should tell them it seemed like we had bonded.

"I was experimented on. Those tattoos are marks from the scientists. The one on my left shoulder blade is from professed Ivo. he tried experimenting with mutations. I was his first test subject. I was given all my powers except for the one that almost killed Wally. I inherited it from my mother." I said quietly remembering my parents.

Wally grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Today for the first time is seven years I feel like I can trust people. I feel like the team won't let me down. I will try my hardest to return that favor.

I hope you like it. My Internet was down for a whole so that's why there was a delay. Thank you so much for reading. Comment vote and share!

Electrical Current /Young JusticeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora