The Heart

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A few weeks ago I had moved in with Wally and his family. My nightmares got worse and Wally calmed me down. Batman also believed I needed to be in a family setting. So I live there now indefinitely.
I crept slowly down the hallway to Wally's room. I slowly turned the handle and tiptoed over to his bed. Suddenly I jumped on him and screamed, "Happy Birthday!" Wally jumped up and I fell of the bed. He ran to my side. "Are you okay?" He asked. I giggled as I lay on the floor. "Im awesome" I smiled. I realized how cold it was in the room and then looked out the window.
"It's snowing!" I shouted.
"Yes!!!!! Snow day!!!" He shouted back.

I put on a red crop top sweater a black skirt and black leggings with brown high heel boots and bounded down the stairs. I sauntered over to Wally. "We should go to Mount Justice see if anybody's there, you know hang out for your birthday" I said cooly. "Alright why not." he smiled. It's kinda good that Wally's pretty clueless because if not he totally would have caught on.

Once we had arrived I went in before Wally and disappeared in to the light fixtures. I flashed over to the rest of the group and five seconds later everyone jumped out and yelled "Surprise!" He started laughing and I ran over to him. "Happy Birthday" I said as I kissed his cheek.

About an hour later the team was called in on a mission. "I've fortresses are causing the extreme weather outside. We need to destroy them or soon we might be completely covered in snow" sad Bats.
"We're going to be fighting with the Justice league?!" Wally yelled excitedly. "Kid Flash you and Alice will be delivering a heart to a little girl. Alive you will be his protection and your one and only objective KF, is to get there as fast as you can. Wally looked as disappointed as I was but at least it was a good cause. I put on a blue leather jumpsuit and we started our journey.

We had decided that every time I need to breath u would hop on Wally's back so every ten minutes I would jump through power lines and then catch my breath on Wally's back. I nuzzled into Wally's neck. "Its so cold" I whispered. "I don't really feel it you know wi............." I couldn't hear him anymore and my vision began to blur. I felt my body hit the pavement and then it all went black.

Wally's POV
I felt Alice begin to slowly slide of my back. "Alice! Alice! Alice!" I yelled. I abruptly stopped running and she fell off my back. "Alice wake up, come on wake up" I cried.
I looked at my watched and realized I didn't have much time left. I picked up Alice placed the heart in her arms and ran all the way to the hospital.

Once I had arrived I handed off the heart and Alice. I sat by Alice's bed for a while. She had woken up a couple minutes after we got there but was still weak. "Kid Flash were so glad your hear where is the heart?" Asked a doctor from behind me. "What do u mean I......" I stopped mid-sentence as I jumped up and ran after the people I'd given the heart to. I reached them and realized it was Count Vertigo's goons. Vertigo appeared and used his powers to make me pass out.

I woke up a few minutes later and asked the doctors who the little girl was. It was his niece. So I knew he was going to come to kill me in the hospital so I devised a plan. Alice had gotten better the last time I checked on her so she would be behind a curtain in my room with Vertigo's niece. Alice will protect her while I get Vertigo to spill the beans so his nice can verify and get him arrested. The plan played out perfectly and he was arrested.

"Hey Wally, I think I figured it out" she said as she scuttled over to me with her I.V. "What?" I asked.
"I figured out why I passed out. the cold weather is my weakness. It hasn't been this cold in 30 years" she coughed. I grapes her and held her tight. "Don't scare me like that again" I whispered. "Don't worry I'm not going anywhere" she giggled.

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