The first Mission

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Alice's POV

I walked into the mission room where Robin was saying to Wally "We will be fighting them." pointing to the screen that showed 6 villains and the joker who popped up on the screen. Mr. Zatana started talking but I really wasn't paying attention until a halagram filled the space between all of us. There was a blinking red light that appeared on the halagram. "This is where you will fine the main power source now go!" We climbed aboard the aircraft and began soaring through the sky. But, before I knew it we were underwater with the aircraft filling with water. There were only two mini oxygen tanks for KF and Robin. "take them I'll be fine." I said though I knew I wouldn't be. "We'll share okay?" said KF I didn't have time to reply though he had shoved it into my mouth. I took in a deep breathe and handed it to KF. He took one then handed back and we repeated that till we reached the surface. I was then suddenly knocked to the ground. "Virdigo!" said Wally. I was then knocked out and only saw black.

.......Now in the golden cage.......

I woke up and I heard my electricity humming through my veins. I shot my bolts at the villian flying with us and we began to fall. Everyone went off in there own directions so I followed Wally. As Wally ran near Virdigo I tried to electrify him but he somehow deflected it. So I had no other choice than to control his body. I shakily stuck my arm out and tried to get inside his body. I made him pick up a rock and bash himself repeatedly in the head until he became unconscious. I then turned on Wally I took on a horrible grin. "Wally run!!" I yelled. He looked at me like I was crazy. But started running as I started throwing lightning at him. With the wicked smile tears streamed from my eyes. I had last all control of my body. Robin looked over at me and shouted "SARA!" I emediatley stopped and sunk to my knees wanting nothing more than to curl into a ball and lay in a ditch. I turned on them. It's happening again! I heard a big explosion and felt arms wrap around me picking me off the ground. "Come on Alice get up." Said Wally. The main power source had been destroyed. But know the Injustice league was crazy angry. We all fought back hard. A villian was using electricity powers to shoot everyone down. "Stop hurting them!" I screamed. I shot a giant lightning bolt at him and he fired back. The fight was pretty much going nowhere until I got a sudden surge of energy. I lost all control over my body and a deafening scream escaped my lips. My eyes began to envelope into a bright teal glow. My hands sparked and I lifted of the ground. A huge lightning bolt escaped both of my hands and hit the electric man sending him soaring through the air. I dropped down to the ground completely drained. Gotta get up gotta help them. I repeated in my head. What just happened to me. No time to think. I got up only to be tackled to the ground by Joker. He held a knife to my throat with his right hand, had his left hand clamped around my wrists and was sitting on my legs so I pretty much could move. "Who is this pretty little pitiful girl?" asked Joker with a twisted smile. I struggled under his grip. "Tsk tsk tsk you shouldn't do that or I might just accidentally slit your throat." He pressed on the knife harder the blade pushing at my skin waiting to tear it open. Then the Justice League showed up to rescue us and I was disappointed In myself but relieved they were here. Batman pried Joker off of me. The Injustice league was thrown in jail. "This was very successful for your first mission." said Aqualad. "Welcome to the team Alice." said Wally patting my back.

..........Time skip ..............

We all returned to Mt. Justice. Meghan suggested we watch a movie. "Alice since your the newest member wanna pick a movie?" She question. "No I'm good I don't really care I'm just gonna go make some popcorn." I answered. I popped three bags since there were 6 of us. Robin laid on the floor while Aqualad sat in a recliner next to him. Meghan and Conner sat in the love seat together. I think they are a really cute couple. Anyway that left Wally and I on the couch we put the popcorn in the center cushion and we sat in the outside cushions. The team decided to watch Scream. Before the movie started Wally and I finished the popcorn so I set it in the ground. Now let me just tell you I may deal with villians and bad people on a daily basis but scary movies still freak me out. I latched onto Wally's arm when Mr. Creepy is what I called him stepped into the light of the patio. He looked at me and smirked. I started to let go annoyed but Mr.Creepy started killing more people and I tightened my grip on his arm pressing my head to his chest. Eventually Meghan and Conner went to bed when the movie ended. The rest of us decided to watch another movie. This time they picked The Exercist. By the middle if the movie I was in Wally's lap watching the movie through my fingers. He had his arms wrapped around my stomache holding me tight because we were all scared. By the end of the movie Aqualad left and Robin came up on the couch with Wally and I. Robin was on the right, Wally on the left and me in the middle. I guess Robin and Wally had a contest to see who could watch the most scary movies without getting freaked out enough they had to leave. So then I decided to pick Mama because it didn't look that bad. I was wrong, Already nervous at the beginning of the movie I grabbed Robins hand and squeezed it tight. He smirked at me and I blushed crimson dropping his hand. Now I was left alone on the middle of the coach. Robin grabbed my hand again and I didn't let go. After the fifth scary movie Robin couldn't take it anymore and left. " Wally I am not leaving this couch I am way too scared."I whispered. "me either" he whispered back. We decided to watch a normal show. "This is gonna sound girly but do you want to watch cupcake Wars." I asked sheepishly. "Now that would be girly under normal circumstances but for now I think it's alright."he whispered back. So we were watching Cupcake Wars when a big thunder clap erupted from the sky and I latched onto KF. We sat like that until I finally fell asleep.

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