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Alice's POV

I pulled up in front of the Hall Of Justice on my Harley. I took of my helmet and began to fix my bangs that were now all tangled together. I was wearing high wasted leather shorts biker boots that went up to just below the knee and a electric blue tank top. I tucked the helmet under my arm and began to walk up to the door to open it. But before I could none other than Batman and Flash walked out. "What a nice surprise Our lovely little runaway, how nice of you to finnaly join us here at the Justice Hall." said Flash. " I walked right past him swinging the door wide open. So where am I going Bats. "Follow me." said Bats in his same emotionless voice. It seemed to me the only emotion he had was anger, if he did have other emotions they were never shown. I walked into what I assumed was where the young justice team met for missions. You see I had already been told what I was going to be doing here. I saw one Martian girl, a fish boy, a redheaded boy, a boy that looked like superman, and a boy who seemed pretty Normal. Batman cleared his throat to get there attention as they all seemed to be doing different things. "As I have informed you all you would be getting a new team member, this is Alice Sparks. Alice is in your grade Robin and she will be staying with us. " Said Batman. They seemed to be having a mental conversation so I tuned in.

Red head:she is sooo hot

Robin:I bet she's got some good moves

Martian Girl:Finally a girl on the team. It will be just like having a sister

Fish boy: Let's not get ahead of ourselves we don't know if she's good for this team.

"Show them what you can do." said Batman Interrupting the conversation. So I contemplated what I should do first. "Okay let's start with this, don't tell me any of your names just think them in your head okay?" I stared at all of them. "Your name is Meghan, you are Superboy, Aqualad." I said I paused at KF . "would you like you real name or your superhero name?" I questioned. He seemed astonished because he had not thought his real name. That's the thing I can search for any information I want. Even Batman was pretty amazed it didn't show in his facial expressions but his thoughts were easy to read, maybe I was wrong about the emotion thing. "You may not look amazed Bats but your thoughts say otherwise." He shot me a glare. "Okay next lets see.......hmmmm......... KF do you like pancakes?" I asked. "Ye-no I absolutely hate pancakes." he said. "Holy crap you made me say that!" He said excitedly. Yes I can also control your thoughts and actions." I replied. "Why don't you try the action control on me?" Robin challenged. " I looked at Batman he knew what would happen. He nodded. I twisted my wrist with my hand held out and Robin turned around and sat on the couch. "H-how did you?" they all asked. But I cackled a strange laugh and disapeared up in the ceilings pipes. "Sara." said an emotionless voice and I fell from the pipes but Wally caught me before I hit the ground. "T-thank you." I squeaked blushing. I looked up at him. His face was red like mine. "What was that all about" they asked looking creeped. I ignored the question and moved on. "Agility is one of my strong points also, I am very good with chainsaws I have a custom made chainsaw, that is in this little cube." I pulled the cube out of my pocket. It was very tiny, black with a electric blue pattern, with a electric blue button in the center. "If I press this button it transforms. "Oh!" I closed my eyes and tiny electric bolts danced on the tips of my fingers. I opened my eyes and everyone looked impressed. I then began to move the toaster as it was plugged in. "I can control anything electric and I can go inside power sources." I flashed into the lights and reappeared behind Meghan. "One last thing." I uneasily said. "Any volunteers?" I questioned.

"Oh me!" Wally yelled excitedly.

My lips turned purple and I walked up to him slowly. Our faces inches away "This will hurt but you will be okay." He gave me a strange look and I softly placed my lips on his. He fell to the ground and yelped with agonizing pain. "What did you do to him!" Robin yelled. "Don't touch him!" I yelled back as the team began to walk towards him. "Batman do something!" Meghan yelled. Batman looked at me and I gave him a reassuring look. Wally finally stopped moving. "He's dead!" Robin yelled. "Step back!" I yelled. I knelt beside him and kissed him lightly my lips turning gold. Wally gasped for air trying to sit up. I put a hand on his chest and told him not to move for a minute. "You just killed me!" said Wally. "Yeah sorry bout' that" I whispered. "I have one hour too being a person back to life once I have killed them."

Everyone was silent and I was okay with it silence was the only thing at this point that reminded me of home.

"Can I just say one thing?" Wally asked. "Sure go ahead." I replied whispering again. He wrapped his arm around me. "You are amazing!"

I didn't talk much that day I kept to myself on the couch. I got bored so I started playing with my electricity making my fingers touch creating sparks and things like that. Wally tried to flirt with me all day. I just nodded along. I'm not really good at taking complements.

......Time skip to Batman's Mansion at night..........

Dick's POV

I just lay there on my bed staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep I was too busy thinking about Alice. She didn't tell us much about herself at all she, was quiet after Batman had left. I wondered why she was staying with us. I understood why she wasn't at Mt. Justice it was a big place with only three rooms and they were taken. But didn't she have family. My thoughts were interrupted though with screams coming from Alice's room. I hopped out of bed and ran toward her screams. I opened the door she was curled in a ball screaming tears streaking down her face. I walked over to her bed cradling her in my arms. "Shhhh it's going to be alright." I whispered she was now sobbing into my chest. I sat like that for hours with her until she fell asleep. I layed her down on the pillow and walked to the doorway only to be stopped by Bruce. "Dick you need to watch over her keep her safe. She is very strong and does not know her own strength. Remember today when she controlled you earlier today? Well when she does controlled someone's body she develope's there personality and starts to act like them until someone says "Sara". When you go on missions with her you need to be the person to say that word. I'm putting her in your hands protect her Dick she is very special." he said seriously. Now I'm definitely not going to sleep, what did he mean by she's special? All I really know is she's my responsibility.

Electrical Current /Young JusticeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora