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I sat on my bed, in the same pjs I slept in last night. I was already supposed to be on my way to the park but instead, I'm sat here, doing nothing but letting thoughts cloud my mind. They're not specific thoughts, its just, whatever pops up in this brain of mine.
"Sweetie, are you ready?" My dad knocks before opening the door. "aren't you supposed to be ready for your da- I mean for the park?"
I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"Why is there something wrong? Are you not feeling well?" He came over and placed a hand over my forehead softly, I slapped his hand away and got my white board and marker.

I just don't want to, okay?

"Oh, okay. well if you need anything, just text me, I'm going to work." he walked backwards slowly. "he's going to be upset." He muttered softly and quickly. he turned around and walked out, closing the door behind him.
I got up and walked down stairs to the kitchen. I got a few snacks for me and got some dog kibble, then walking over to cookie with the kibble in my hand. Once she smelt it, she followed me to my room and laid in bed with me as I gave her the kibble. She happily ate it and then we cuddled.
My phone was ringing and vibrating like crazy but I wasn't planning on answering it. Im saving this boy so much time by ignoring him. Once he gets the hint that I don't want to talk to him, he'll stop trying and then he'll be happy doing something else. He would be wasting his precious time with me if I were to answer him.
But the temptation of answering him, is killing me. The fact that my phone wont stop ringing and if he wants to talk to me that bad, just imagine how bad he would feel. Ugh.
I read the texts.
Calum: hey where are you?
Calum: are you still coming?
Calum: I'm waiting by the playgrounds, on a big rock. ):
Calum: is something wrong?
Calum: did I do something wrong?
Calum: I would really love to learn your name.

And there was like 5 missed calls. wow.
I think he deserves an answer, right? If he's trying this hard, I think he should.
Me: Danielle.
He answered almost immediately.
Calum: what?
Calum: oh wait, thats your name?
Me: yes.
Calum: okay, so, Danielle. Are you still coming?
Me: no, sorry.
Calum: it's okay I guess.
Calum: sorry for bothering.

And after that, she cried. She laid down, hugging cookie and cried. She doesn't know why shes crying. Is it because she feels like she disappointed him, or because she feels lonely, but all she does is push people away?
On the bright side, Calum squealed a little once he read that one message.
Danielle. Her name was Danielle. He couldn't help but think, its such a beautiful name for such a pretty girl.
Even though he witnessed the bad side of her, while her face was wet with tears, her eyes were puffy and red, she sniffed so many times just to hold in the burgers threatening to slip out, and the way she ran and pushed him away. That has to mean something, right? Already thinking someone is beautiful with out knowing one single thing about them and seeing them at their worst. He thought that meant, he needed to witness her best.
He still sat in the rock, still very sad that she never showed up. But he wasn't all that sad because he learned her name.
Just learning her name made him think.
Calum POV ((:
"Get to know her, first. " I whispered to myself, forgetting I was in public and there's people here. When I looked around, I saw a mom giving me weird look but I shrugged it off. I jumped off the rock and began making my way out of this park. I walked across the street, to Luke's house, where all the guys should be at too. Since we all spent most of our time together they should all be there.

"Wait, so you don't know anything, about this chick?" Ashton asked, while he scrolled through his phone on the couch.
Michael was asleep on the single couch with his mouth wide open and his head tilted back, while Luke sat there staring at me, like if he were processing what I just told him.
"I know her name is Danielle and shes really pretty!" I defended.
"Thats kind of sad. And your already gushing about her." Luke spoke up.
"Thanks for the advice, guys." I crossed my arms over my chest and Ashton giggled.
"You look like a child, Calum."
"Oh my god, just grab your stupid instruments and lets begin rehearsals." We were in band. 5 Seconds of Summer. We're not big or anything special, but we do play some gigs every now and then.
"Michael wake up." Luke poked his stomach and Michael shot up. He looked around first and his eye brows furrowed.
"What the hell, Luke." He cussed.
"Its time to practice!" Luke defended.
"Fine." he got up and got his guitar.

Should I write in pov's or third person? Really lame chapter lol.

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