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"I kinda want to ask you something." He said and shut the door behind him.

He got the desk chair and pulled it towards me. He sat right in front of me and I felt kind of worried.

I stayed quiet but stared blankly at him, letting him know I was listening. He leaned back and got my white board for me, handing it to me.

"Why don't you talk?" He softly asked. "I mean You don't have to answer but that question, like, haunts me."

I got my white board and wrote.


He quickly read it and his eyebrows immediately furrowed.

"Red?" I nodded. "What does this have to do with you not speaking?"

I erased what I had wrote and wrote again.

I'm gonna let you think about that.

Calum's POV
I sat there so damn confused. Red. Red? Really red. What could that mean. Red is just a colour.

Now go on. Go and try to figure it out. If you get it right. I'll tell you everything.

"That. Is a deal." I smiled and stuck out my hand for her to shake. She flinched at the sudden movement but then she shook it.

I walked out of her room and made my way downstairs into my car.

What could she mean by red.

The fire hydrant?
Michaels old hair?
Clifford the big red dog?
No. Wtf.
Her dads car was red.
My flannels?
Her period?

Was she like this because of some kind of period disorder I've never heard about ? If I am being honest here, I have no damn clue what exactly she wants me to figure out without any clues, besides the color red.

That's some shit clue if you ask me. But I will try to figure as much as I can with that.


"I mean what could red do that would cause her to stop talking!" I ranted backstage. We were doing a gig at this bar tonight but I just couldn't stop ranting.

Shit like that really gets to me. I hate figuring things out.

"Maybe she's just moody because she's on her period." Michael shrugged.

Dick. I thought.

"No, she's not just moody." I mocked doing some retarded hand gesture.

"Whatever. Just forget about it for now. You need to get pumped up for this gig." He rolled his eyes and strung a cord in his guitar. I laughed but went along with it.

When I got off stage, I took a shower and got squeaky clean. I decided to text Danielle. It was still pretty early and I wanted more hints to figure her out.

C: Hey are you busy?
(( lots of texting right here sooorrry))
I sat at the bar island. I didn't feel like drinking tonight, especially if I were to go with Danielle. I ordered a soda and paid the man, giving him a thank you and tip.

Dani: no, why?
Me: could I come over?
Dani: have you figured it out?
Me: no, it's too hard!
Dani: well let's make things interesting.
Dani: we won't be able to see each other until you figure out.
Me: but I need clues. Red isn't enough!
Dani: I'll give you a clue each day, starting from today.
Dani: Rope.
Me: rope?

That was the last thing exchanged before she completely stopped answering.

I actually like Danielle. How am I supposed to go sooo long with out seeing her! And the fact that my guessing game is sooo low.

I'll just have to wait for my next clue tomorrow.

I hated guessing. But this could be a little fun I guess.

Sorry for the short chapterr but I tried ((:

I hope you liked it. Btw y'all should comment what you think happened to Danielle ((: I wanna read what you guys think.
Thanks loves. Vote/ comment/ share do your thangs. Loves yous. -xx

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