Pink fluffy pyjamas & talking robots

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I was sat on the couch watching some reality tv show I don't even know the name of. I was just scrolling through the channels and found it so I stayed on it and stuffed my face with chips. This is basically all I do. Stay in, I mean. 2 days ago, Calum, walked me home, and it was a long walk. I would of fought it but well, I can only write so fast. It was calm and quiet, him making a joke or funny remark every now and then. It was a while since I've been out like that.

"Okay sweet heart, Im leaving okay, you know the rules. Text me if anything" there goes my dad doing what he does best, leaving me alone home all day. He's working of course though. He has to spend extra time usually because since its just him who's paying for so much, he needs the extra cash.

Bye dad.

I rose the white bored for him to see and he waved. When he opened the door he was startled and jumped back slightly.
"Oh, sorry sir, I didn't mean to startle you." the voice spoke, with a slight laugh.
"Oh no, its okay." My dad waved the kid off. They were both kinda silent so Calum spoke up.
"Uh, I think its a good time for me to introduce myself more properly?" He said uneasily. Wow, the boy got manners.
"That would be nice."
"Um, I'm Calum. And-"
My dad cut him off.
"I'm so sorry, but I'm running late. Maybe some other time? I've really got to go. Bye have fun!" He sped out and practically ran into his car. I walked over to him and waved.
"Hi" he beamed, his smile wide and his eyes basically looking closed. He was cute. And very tall.
He looked down at my fluffy pink pyjamas and them back at me, raising an eye brow with a smirk. I looked away and I felt my face heating with embarrassment. I moved aside for him to enter, so he did. I shut the door behind him and I walked over to the couch to get my white board. And marker. I nodded my head, telling him to follow me. I walked up stairs and went into my room. he stayed standing by the door unsure of what to do.
"Should I come in?" He asked.
I nod and pat the spot across from me on my bed. He walked over and sat right on the spot. I saw him struggle to bring up his legs to sit criss crossed but eventually he did. Those skinny jeans were so tight.

So what brings you here.

I wrote and turned it for him. He quickly read.
"Oh, I don't know. I was just bored and thought you'd might want to hang?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Is that fine? I can leave if you want me to. " He said quickly.

No its fine. I like when you talk to me.

"I should of texted first though." He looked down. Aw.

No seriously its okay.

"Wait. "He paused. "Let me see your phone?" I furrowed my brows but gave him my phone anyways. It didn't have a pass code so he just swiped the bar and he was soon into my phone.
Who knows what he's up to.
What if he's putting in some kind of tracker, or a bomb.
What the hell are you thinking, Dani.
"Here, now you can type what you want to say and the voice will say it for you. " I tilted my head to the side and took my phone, beginning to type something.
" Pink fluffy pyjamas are cool." I typed and the monotonic voice spoke. I cringed at the sound of it. They could at least use a real person talking instead of a robot. That's just weird.
" no? You don't like it?" I shook my head with my cringe still plastered.
He breathed out a chuckle.
"Maybe we can change the voice setting? Lemme see." he took my phone out of my hands again.
"British? Female? Male?" He spoke out the options.
"Oooh how about this one." he held out the phone for me and I took it. I thought about what I should type.
"hello. " the robot voice spoke but with an accent. A familiar one.
I smirked and raised a brow at him.
"What! Its a cool accent." he laughed and surrendered.
I reached for my white board and wrote.

Australian? Really?

He read it nodded with a smile.
I noticed he was Australian by his accent. Even though he looks asian. Then again, don't judge a book by its cover.

I don't like this app
I shook my head i like my white board better.
"Okay fine. Stick with your white board" he mimicked, making me laugh.
"I want to get to know you. " He said randomly.

Get to know me? There's not a lot to know about, to be honest.
"Well yeah but you in general." He smiled and looked at me with sincere.

Okay. Go ahead.
I turned the board and hoped I wasn't making a mistake.
"Um. Okay. Im going to start of basic here, Favorite color?" He looked satisfied with his first question which was kinda cute.
Green and red, just not together. and you?
Might as well take this chance o learn about him as well.
"Ah ah ah, this is me learning about you. but baby blue." He pointed a finger.
"Whats your full name."
If i answer that will you answer me too.
I squinted an eye as I showed him. He thought for a second before nodding slowly.
Danielle Fields. You?

I didn't have a middle nor second last name. It was just simple boring Danielle Fields. Lol.
"Really? Nothing else?" His voice kinda high pitched.
I shook my head with a devious smile.
Your turn.
"Calum Thomas Hood." He mumbled and pouted.

Aw, Thomas. Thats cute.
"No its not! It reminds me of that stupid cartoon train."
"Anyways, next question. Do you, uh, go to that one building I always see you in front."

Its only been twice.
There goes the question I really didn't want to answer.
"Well yeah, but Ive seen you both those days." He rubbed her arm.
I thought. C'mon think fast! I go for frozen yogurt. No, lame. My mind was literally telling me to just tell him the truth.

Yeah, its a development center.
I looked down, not wanting to see his reaction.
"What kind of development? Is it like therapy?"
Yeah, don't freak out please.
"Why would I freak out? I get it, honestly." He reassured me.
"Is it because you don't talk?" He pushed.
I sighed heavily. He wasn't letting this go.

I need therapy to be able to move on.

"I don't understand. " his head tilted to the side and confusion was written all over his face.

Good, you aren't supposed too.

Yay, update ((:
I don't know why but I always seem to squeak and get overly excited when the title is used in the book. So in this case, I squealed like a cute little piggy.

Therapy {ON HOLD}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant