First impressions and a Dumb Michael

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"Its going to be okay." Calum calmly said as we sat in his car. I was really scared and nervous. I don't even talk for fucks sakes, what am I supposed to do when they try to make conversation with me or introduce themselves. I'd probably end up panicking.and I can not panic.

He climbed out of the car and jogged up to my side. He opened the door for me and held his hand out.

"Lets go." he smiled widely.
I shook my head and sinked into my seat. Nope, I regret this a lot.

"Theres no take backs, were here already."

I got out, ignoring his helping hand, and leaned against the car.

"Do you have your white board?" I pat my bag and nod.

Im scared I'm going to freak them out. If that even makes sense. But I did take my pills today, so I'd be in some kind of a jolly mood.

We walked up and Calum opened the door, like he lived here but this was Luke's? House. Well at least i think thats what he said.

I followed along, looking down at the floor.

I put on some light make up to look a little in place and presentable at least. Just some mascara and light bottom eye liner. My outfit consisted of Black jeans and v neck with my high top converse. Of course i carried my bag with me, i take it everywhere i go. It was a black shoulder bag, nothing special but i keep everything in here.

"Guys. This is Danielle." Calum introduced me once we made it downstairs into the basement and we stood in the center. I felt my heart race, all they're eyes were on me and it was uncomfortable. I felt judged to be honest. It was really silent for a while as they just stared at me.

"Hi!" They all yelled, breaking the dreadful silence.

I didn't respond though. I just smiled softly at all of them. I slowly moved closer to Calum, hopefully it wasn't noticeable.

"Uh, so I'm Michael." The bleach haired one raised his hand.

"Hi I'm Luke" Luke did the same but didn't raise it as high as Michael did.

"And I'm Ashton." The curly beach hair one said.

They were all cute, just like Calum.
"Okay, so lets get practicing." Ashton announced with a loud sigh at the end.

Once they were all done they all went upstairs to grab some snacks. I sat there alone, just staring at my knees, drawing weird patterns on them.

"Hope you like sandwiches Danielle" Ashton beamed as they all came in. I sat up and stared blankly at them. I wanted to go home. I felt really uncomfortable. It's been a while since I've hung out with people like this, and I think, how did I ever like doing this?
Ashton jumped right next to me Michael sat alone on the love seat next to me, which was side ways so he was facing me, and Calum sat at the end of this couch next to Luke.

"Here you go." Ashton handed me a plate with a sandwich cut in 2. I smiled and took it, setting it on my lap. I'm far way too freaked out to eat. And eating in front of people just wasn't my thing.
Why did I even agree to coming? It's not like I could talk. My throat has gotten too used to not speaking that it hurt really bad every time I tried.

"So, Danielle." Ashton spoke up after a short silence.

"What do you like to do." I saw Calum face palm himself at the question. It was a simple question, I didn't mind.

Not a lot. I like to write and listen to music. And draw a little.

I handed him the board, since he was right next to me.

"Oh that's cool."

"What's your favorite color?" Calum asked, and I was so glad because I feel more comfortable talking to him.

Blue, purple and black.

I showed all the guys and they just nodded. I literally have a really bad feeling about staying here. I want to go home and huddle up into my blanket and cry.

"How old are you, Danielle?" Michael spoke up. He's been pretty quiet downing his sandwich.

18 Almost 19

My birthday is in just 3 months.

"So how long have you, uh been, quiet?" Luke, I think that's his name, asked.

I looked at him questionably, kinda confused by his question.

"She didn't understand your question you idiot." Michael glared at Luke and he rolled his eyes. "He's trying to ask why you don't speak." He clarified with some sandwich in his mouth.

I started to feel a lump in my throat as I processed the question Michael had just asked. I quickly started to blink my eyes open and shut to try to blink away the tears I felt forming. I knew coming here was a terrible idea. I knew I'd regret it. I feel judged and just by them bringing up why I don't talk.

I quickly got up, once I felt the tears start to roll down my cheeks, I walked up the stairs in hopes to get away from all 4 boys as soon as possible.


» Calum «

"Michael are you fucking serious?" I yelled, looking at my friend and debated whether to yell at him or to chase after Danielle. These idiots were just fucking horrible at first impressions.

"What'd I do? I didn't no anything wrong, just asked the chick why she can't speak a word." Michael defends himself, causing Luke, Ashton and I to roll our eyes.

I just ignored all my friends arguing and ran up the stairs, hoping to catch up to Danielle. Luckily when I walked out of Luke's house, I'm met with a crying Danielle sitting on the porch steps.

"Hey, Dani. I'm so so sorry about Michael, he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep his thoughts to himself."


Danielle just continues to cry as I just watched her, with a guilty and pained expression. I knew I couldn't bare to touch her or comfort her at a time like this, but it was too damn hard to just stand here and watch her.

"Want me to take you home?"

All I got was a nod of her head. And with that, we both got into the car without a single word and I began to drive.

THE BIGGEST THANKS TO ONE OF THE LOMLS AND MY SUGA BABY heyhoran for helping me so much with this chapter and being the awesomest person evaaa. She's so talented isn't she?! Y'all should read her books too, they're gr8!

Hope you guys enjoooyed this chapter 💜, xx ((:

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