Pills and burgers

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I was waiting inside the car with my dad, waiting for it to be 1 so I could go into this horrendous place for my second session. It was small from the outside but once you entered, it was pretty big, kinda like a clinic. Today, I was supposed to be getting some pills to 'help' with my mood swings, and stuff like that. I would have to take about 4 pills each day, thats no fun.

I stood in front of the center waiting for my dad. I would of waited inside but my therapist said it would help a lot if I got used to being near people, strangers, to be clear.
Today was better than last time I guess. She asked questions, I didn't answer. She tried giving me advice, I zoned out and cried quietly. Yeah, what fun, right? But at least I didn't run out like last time.
I took out my phone and texted my dad, asking when he would get here. He replied saying he'd be here in 10 minutes. So since I was going to wait for a while, I walked over to the nearest bench, which was on the side of the side walk. I sat and took out my phone and earphones from my pockets. In the process, I got the urge to sneeze. So when I was done sneezing, I felt a presence behind me and some one lean over my shoulder.
"Bless you" they whispered in my ear. My heart was pounding rapidly, and my first instinct was to punch this person in the stomach, so I did.
"Ow! Its just me!" The kid clutched his stomach and his eyes crinkled.
I took out the white board from my bag and began to write.
Don't sneak up on me, ever, again.
I underlined the word ever. My heart was barely beginning to slow down and It got very very warm all of a sudden. I was nervous to be honest.
"Sorry, sorry." he draped his long legs over the bench and sat next to me. "You're welcome, though." he smiled cheerily. I furrowed my eye brows in a sign of confusion.
"You sneezed and I said bless you, so you're welcome." I just nodded.
"You know, you punch really hard." He blurted.
I smiled a small smile.
I wonder how long is it going to be until he asks about me speaking. I've probably said this before but, Im not planning on speaking anytime soon.
The sadness still lingered massively in me, and lets not forget how vulnerable I still am. Im just not ready.
Since, Caleb? Was that his name?
Well anyways since Caleb wasn't speaking I began cleaning off my bored, since there wasn't anything else to do.
"So why are you sitting here alone?" He finally spoke up.

I'm waiting for my dad to come and pick me up.
"Oh, I was just out with my friends, but then I saw you, so I told them I'd catch up with them later."
I didn't really care, but I kinda appreciate the small talk.

You didn't have to. Im sure its better going with your friends.

"We come over here every Tuesdays and Thursdays." He pointed to the tiny diner that was just across the development Center. Since this place was a squarish kind of structure. "Have you ever been there?"
I shook my head. Even before the incident, I didn't really go out much. I was pretty much that lame girl who would only have a small group of girls as her friends, no more no less. Out of the small group of 7, I was really only close to 2. I miss them a lot.
"Do you want to go try it?" He asked me I shook my head and smiled sympathetically.
"C'mon! The food is really good." he got up and grabbed my wrist, pulling it hard. I held the white board and marker in the other hand.
A flashback at what I saw came.

The way the guy grabbed her arm and yanked her down to the floor.
I gasped and pulled away harshly.
"Sorry did I hurt you?"
I nodded and was about to walk back to the bench but he stopped me.
"Nope, I want you to come and try this food. I swear you wont regret it." I gave in and let him pull me towards the diner.

We sat at a booth made for 4 and we already had gave our orders, I told him to choose for me since I didn't know what would be best here. I had already texted my dad telling him I would be staying longer.

"So, you don't really go out much do you?"

I erased and began writing again.
Sorry about last time though.
I almost forgot about how I flaked on him.
"Its okay i guess. " He shrugged.
"So why don't you talk?" He blurted out, but then covered him mouth. "Oh gosh, sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that."
I shrugged and wrote:

Its okay.
He isn't finding out, thats only for me to know.
"I'm guessing you don't want me to know... okay thats okay." he smiled. Our food arrived and I swear I bet you could of seen my eyes turn into hearts.
Just to let you guys know, I used to have eating disorders in which i never ate at all but I began eating again about 3 months ago and I'm back to loving food.
"So your name is Danielle." He says in the middle of me biting into my burger. I nod and hum in response. I grab a napkin and wipe my mouth and hands. Then grabbing my marker.

This is going to be really embarrassing but, whats your name again?
I write down and showed it to him. He chuckled, his smile was precious, he looked really happy.
"Its Calum, I put that as my contact name!" He beamed, his smile still wide.

I thought it was Caleb

We both laughed at my stupidity. I mentally face palmed myself.
"Whats your last name." he asked. his smile was gone but his face was full of curiosity.

Fields, what about yours? Calum.

"Its Hood. Calum Hood" he said smoothly and leaned back.
And so on he continued asking questions, attempting to make me laugh. He was really funny. And I continued eating my food, truth is, this is the best burger and fries I've ever tasted.

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