~Chapter 28~

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Narrator POV

When Drew woke up, Jake was no where to be seen. Drew hopped out of bed, and exited the room looking for him. He checked the whole house, and finally found him in the kitchen. Jake was sitting on a chair by the counter, a full plate of food next to him; his head was laying next to it, awfully still.

Drew sighed with relief and approached him. "There you are, Jake. You had me worried," Drew giggled. Jake didn't respond. "Jake..?" Drew slowed his walking pace, as his eyebrows curved plastering a worried look on his face. 

He looked to the boy to see that his eyes were lighter then usual, nearly white, and he seemed to have stopped breathing long ago. Drew's heart sank as he quickly shook Jake to make sure he was okay; nothing happened. Drew quickly grabbed Jake's wrist for a pulse. Nothing. He was.. Gone. 

Drew felt tears roll down his face as he started screaming, "No.. no.. NO! This isn't real! This can't be real!" 

Suddenly, Jake sat up, his eyes still lighter then the moon. He smiled creepily and said, "Why hello, Drew," In an odd tone. Drew jumped, stepping back. Jake's smile soon faded as he said, "Why couldn't you save me?"

Drew then quickly awoke in a cold sweat, tears threatening to flow out of his eyes. He then sat himself up and turned to see Jake laying there next to him, sleeping peacefully. He watched as Jake's chest rose and fell, and gave a quiet sigh of relief. 

It was just a dream.. He thought.

Drew then laid back down, and cuddled closer to his sleeping partner, wrapping them both in the warm blanket and easing at his warm touch. Drew quickly fell back asleep, his worries washed away.


The next day, Jake and Drew walked to school together. Their fingers intertwined as they grasped each other's hands gently, and locked eyes with each other for nearly the whole way. Henry and Liam caught the two getting lost in each other's different shades of brown eyes. 

"Heyo!" Henry beamed, waving at the two. They didn't quiet hear him. "Huh. Honeymoon phase," Liam scoffed. 

"I thought they already-" 

"They're still in it. It's not like they've been able to spend tons and tons of time together because of all the crap they've been going through,"

"Oh. That makes sense,"

"But my guess is that they'll be back to their regular selves in a few weeks, since Drew moved in with Jake-"

"Drew moved in?!"

"Did you not see the group chat last night?"

"My phone was dead,"

"Of course it was," Liam giggled, ruffling Henry's hair. "You're such a dork, y'know?" Henry giggled in response, his cheeks warming up. Liam noticed and took the moment to quickly pull Henry closer, planting a kiss on the smaller boy's cheek. Henry turned all shades of pink, and Liam just chuckled at him, taking his hand and walking to the other couple ahead of them.

"Drake!" Liam yelled, cupping his mouth with one hand. That must've gotten Drew attention, as he quickly turned to Liam looking redder then a strawberry. "Liam! I told you to stop calling us that!"

"No can do, buddy. It's quicker,"

Drew grumbled a bit, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hey Jake, how are you feeling about, well, you know?" Henry poked in, obviously asking about the situation with the music club. Jake's eyes dimmed as he looked to the ground slightly. "Uh.. It's fine," He lied. The three looked at him with concern. 

New Feelings (Drake Fanfic) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now