Ihip ng Hangin

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Note: This is an excerpt from my Filipino Story: WaveWindFeel free to visit and read the full chronology of the book from my works~


A certain boy grew up in a poor family with his grandparents working in a cemetery. His mom works as a maid but soon quit when she was diagnosed with illness. His father is an infamous magician who ended up to prison after a magic show that nearly killed his audience...

Because of his family background, the boy grew being hated by his classmates and playmates. Even his friends didn't hang out with him anymore since his dad was imprisoned. They mocked and jeered at him in school and he didn't have any good memories of his childhood.

The boy once dreamt to be a magician like his dad but he ended up being ridiculed when he attempted to perform magic tricks. Oftentimes, his classmates would approach him to make him do magic but they ended up making fun of him.

One time, due to an accident while the boy was practising magic in a room, his classmates got frightened when the lights went out and the fans turned on abnormally that the air from the fans caused the papers in the room to scatter abroad. And suddenly, a dark image appeared on the chalkboard that caused the students in the room to ran out and leave in fright. It was because the boy was working on projecting images through magic that it happened but he didn't expected it to be in a scary way.

From then on, he was despised that led him to change schools. However, the rumor about his family background and how he brings bad luck and that he brings with him scary spirits was carried from one school to another until he finally stopped going to school right after his mother died.'

'The boy trained himself to be better in magic until he finally got convinced that he can audition for a tv show. He wanted to be a magician to convince his father that he is better than him and that his father need to change in seeing what real magic is.

That magic isn't something that people needed to be afraid of. That he can still convince his dad to never abandon being a magician because his dad swore to never do magic again since he was imprisoned.

The boy wanted to convince his father that magic can be done for good and not for bad. That in a way, people might just accept the boy of who he really is and not despised. That he can somehow fit in the society inhabited with critics and judgements of highly intelligent beings.

But the boy failed to do so when he got in an accident during the real magic show in the live streaming after the audition. It was an epic fail and the boy hid himself never to be found.'

'The boy was ashamed of his failure in the magic show and he ran away without even finishing.

He ran away and went to a high building to attempt suicide but he found someone else who was there before him. A girl about his age who was also about to jump down but she didn't do it.

They ended up talking and about why they went to that place.

He found out that the girl came from a broken family and that she felt like she had enough of her burdensome life.

They both managed to relate to each other until the boy said that he actually had some money and he requested the girl to buy food for them that the girl went and left him.

After that, the boy stood and jumped down the building but when he was falling down, the face of the girl came to mind and how she blew off the dust that got into his eyes during their talk. It so happen that there was a truck below carrying some cushions where he fell onto alive.

He didn't even expect he'll survive and the men who saw him quickly gave him an aid and helped him.

Soon, he found himself in a room where his grandparents came in and were glad that they embraced him tightly saying how relieved they were that he didn't really die.

He was brought back to his grandparent's house and he lived with them again.


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