"On The Rail of Love"

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Sebastian's narration:

It was a radiant morning in town. I am on my way to work and I have taken the same route I used to trod going to my workplace. There was delight and refreshment as I walk my way beside the railway tracks.

I was whistling with each step and I carefully rolled my eyes from my path to the railway tracks. There, I saw something weird blocking the railway tracks far ahead and it made me curious.

I hurriedly ran towards it since I could spot it moving despite the fact that it appeared like a log ahead of me.

And closer I drew nearer to that spot. And closer and closer, I began to hear a strange sound. And closer and closer, I began to view clearer what it was.

I reached the spot and there I behold. It was a scream that I have heard. It was a person that I have seen.

I was left confused of what laid on the railway tracks but I came to my senses and did an action according to my reflexes after I heard a horn from an incoming train from far ahead the railway tracks.

There's the trace of worry painted on her brilliant blue irises when they met mine. Her smooth and fair cheeks encompassing with an apple's redness when ripen soaked with visible sweat. Her rosy, red lids trembled as she spoke and scream before me. She seemed so worn out and the ropes that bounded her left scars over her slender body.

Who could have done such a thing?? Comes the thought arguing in my mind.

"Mister, sir. If you would be so kind, please help me!" She cried sobbing between her words and I drew myself nearer to untangle the ropes around her. "Save me!" She pleaded.

I untied her as fast as I could for the raging train is coming towards us without a halt. It took me a few minutes until I freed her at last and I brought her to the other side of the path just in time before the train rushed it's way. We both stood before the railway track with the gust of wind brought by the motion of the train.

"Thank you." I gazed at her who was smiling weakly at me beginning to compose herself.

"What happened?? Who did it to you??" I asked and handed her a handkerchief which I pulled out from my pocket.

She told me her situation as I walked with her on my way to my workplace. She said that it was her fiance who did it to her and that they have gotten into an argument about something that it led to her being tied on the railway tracks.

She thanked me after her story and I didn't show her how I blushed a bit after seeing her smile again more vividly this time. I reached my workplace and she waved at me telling me that she'll be going home already. She told me to see her again and that she'll treat me to repay my kindness in saving her.

"See you again. Let me treat you as my gratitude next time. Please..." She insisted.

I was supposed to not accept her invittion but she pleaded with those convincing eyes until I finally agreed.

"Fine. I'll call you then, Karen."

She gave me her phone number and went her way waving her arm with her smiling face. I also waved at her before I turned around and proceeded to my work getting all painted with delight visible on my face that my co-workers thought I was getting crazy.

Two days passed...

I waited on my chair on a table for two in this famous restaurant in town since I'll meeting with Karen again. I have called her yesterday and she told me to see her to dinner tonight.

My wait didn't took long for I heard the bells chiming at the opening of the restaurant's door. It is the sound of proclamation that the person I have waited has arrived.

"Sorry, I'm late..." She told me and I stood and pulled a chair to offer her to seat.

We talked about things we liked, our hobbies, ourselves and soon I found myself walking her home hand in hand.

Karen and I later became fiance and soon decided to get married after five long years of being in a relationship with each other and with the approval of our parents.

Karen and I lived in one house after the marriage and we were happy living together.

Time passed and we have begotten two kids making an addition to the family.

Unfortunately, I lost my job and I began tp neglect my duties as a father and husband. I began to drink and smoke and often came home late or drunk. Karen would scold me every night and I came from my friend's place after a day's party and drinking. I would only not mind anything that Karen scolds on me and just ignored her.

It continued for days until days becane months and until it was a year. Our situation got worst and I wasn't able to bear her scoldings any longer.

So one night, when I came home from another train of shots of alcohol with my friends, I was again greeted with mad scoldings and furious roars with my ever so mouthful wife.

My ears rumbled overbearing the noise that I saw a rope under the cabinet and I took it pronto.

I tied Karen with the rope and plastered a tape on her mouth ending her lifelong shouts and mocking that I have bore long enough. I brought her to the railway tracks where we first met and laid her there crying and struggling to herself being furious at me with her deathly glares.

I stood up when she was secured on the track and I walked away leaving her behind in the midst of the cold, dark and dreary night.

I turned around and spotted her from far behind when I have retreated myself and left her with the only words training in my mind as:

"Deja vu??"


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