How do I feel When the Person I love does Not Love me Back

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It was a life of spring during the second where I realized that I was in loved. If I’ll turn back the time back to that moment and the chronologies that followed where I’ve knowingly and obviously heard the new pitter-patter beats done by my conscious heart, I’ll say that it somewhat relived my simple life. Like how such people expresses themselves to be in a cloud nine moment or at times describes their life to fill into colorful hues, I was, at the same standing, also change how to see myself and the world. Indeed, those times were thrilling and, at the same time, inspiring. Just to spot that person’s strand of hair, intentionally walk pass him by the hallway and stair, secretly steals a few tantalizing stares, and simply hides a shy, embarrassed smile when I got a chance to talk to him. Undeniably, these are really glimpses of my affectionate feeling towards that one person. It was a fairytale, they’ll say? I feel heaven is on its way. That in this sequence of my young life, there’s nothing else to hinder my love for him. And to meet the flowing time of the earth while I spend some time with him was more like the worthwhile moments of my life.

But then, just as the seasons bade the grounds of the lands and invites a new season to come, so was the love I had for him invades my sincere hear with a hurting sting. It was unforeseen and heartbreaking during the time that the person I loved dearly who kept mu breathing a pristine paradise’s air revealed the love he also cherished. It was another. Not to mention pain, I’ve noticeably dissolved myself from that place with fusing specks of anger, I chose to be alone. Yes! A slight speck of anger readily accumulating inside my longtime throbbing chest existed for it was trying ever so hard to keep the pain in check. When I was in loved, I indulged in spring and beat the heats of summer but when I found out that he loves another and not me, I crumpled with the fall and shiver with the cold. Aches of the heart, sorrow of the soul, the mourning of life. It somehow likely robbed me out of sunlight in the day and moonlight in the night. An unprecedented event in my life where I first fell weak in thought and might.

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