Do I Care?

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When Mobius sends us back into our Time Cell's I fight very little, a mixture of guilt and just generally defeated after not being able to convince Mobius at the very least to let Kamaria go. How could I have been so blind to my love for her, until I saw the look of gut wrenching pain on her face when she thought Sylvie was dead and the look of pure devastation when Mobius accused me of being in love with Sylvie. I can only imagine I had a similar look when Odin told me about my real father. If I am truly so blind to myself and those around me maybe this is why I deserve to be alone. The only thing flowing through my head, as I endure more of Sif's abuse, is the tears rolling down Kamaria's face, even though she tried to hide them from Mobius and I.

I lay on the ground, having just taken Sif's knee to my crotch, again. At this point I'm seriously hoping Karmaria doesn't want any children, because after the amount of abuse on my genitals I don't think I'll be able to give anyone any children. I sit up, still sitting on my knees, "I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times. 'You. You conniving, craven, pathetic worm. You did this'." I stand up and sigh, expecting to see Sif when I turn around, "right?"

But before Sif can come back, a red door opens and Mobius comes through, "what are you doing?"

"Passing the time."

"Do you care about this Variant?"

I shake my head, "Kamaria does."

"And you care about her?"

"I'm not sure if care is the right word. I think we covered this back in there."

"Shut up!" Mobius shouts. "Do you really think you deserve to be alone?" I stand there, not answering him, "Loki!"

"You told me to shut up."

"Do you believe you deserve to be alone?"

"I don't know.

"You better figure it out quick, because the nexus event the three of you caused, I think whatever those connections are, can bring this whole place down. So we better understand..."


"Do you swear she didn't implant those memories in Hunter C-20?"

"Mobius, no. I believe her."

"And you swear that neither of you are controlling Kamaria?"

"There was no point for me to control her. It would have served me no purpose. Sylvie tried," I gestures around a bit, "but Kamaria's mind was too strong."

"So I'm gonna have to take the word of two Lokis?"

"And your partner. Maybe even the word of a friend."

Mobius takes a deep breath, "you were right, about the TVA. You were right from the beginning. I never should have brought Kamaria into this mess."

"No, Mobius." I shake my head and try to calm down, the thought of Kamaria being pruned sending me into a small panic. "She is supposed to be here, she is the key to bringing down all of this."

"If you want to save her, or Sylvie, you need to trust me. Can we do that?"

I nod, "yes."

"Okay. You can be whoever, whatever you wanna be," Mobius gestures around in front of himself, "even someone good. I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different."

Mobius and I share a smile, "where is Kamaria?"

Mobius turns and opens another door, "still in her Time Cell. We are gonna go get her out."

When Mobius says this the door can't open fast enough. We hurry though the door and on the other side, I find myself in the courtroom, with Kamaria at the front, at the small metal podium I had been at before. Everyone in the room is frozen, except for her. I look around and find it a bit odd that I come face to face with another Mobius. He's a good guy, but I think one is enough. Kamaria, having noticed everything has frozen, turns to Mobius and I, smiling when she sees us. "Loki," I'm shocked to hear the happiness in her voice when she says my name and I feel a wave of warmth wash over me. Kamaria full turns to us and jogs toward us, not stopping until she wraps her arms around me. It takes me a moment, but I return the hug and lay my head on top of

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