I'm Back .............. almost

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So I finally have the time and mental stability to start editing and writing Mama Spider again.

Now it is deciding how I upload again which I have four options on how to continue:

1) I take down everything I have written and upload each chapter as I have edited it

2) I edit and write all chapters up to nine and upload them all in one go

3) I edit and write all chapters up to nine and upload them twice a week

4) I leave all the chapters here as they are before being edited and upload the edited chapters as a new story using one of the other three options

I would like to add that I am considering changing the title of this story when I upload the changed chapters but I haven't fully decided.

In terms of how long this should take I will have the first chapter done the earliest tomorrow in the morning (btw at the moment of writing it is 20:54 for me) and the latest in two days. I think I should be able to finish all the chapters in about two weeks but that can still change.

Please comment on which option you would like and think is best for continuing (if you pick option 4 say which other option you would like me to proceed with along with it in brackets).

Thank you for being patient with me over this story and I am excited to continue and I am also thankful for your support of this story.

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