Chapter 7

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- Peter's POV -

After collecting our badges from Mal we were led over to the security scanners. It was a simple setup like in airports abroad. You would place your bag in a tray with all the metal items in your pocket to be scanned while you walk through the metal detectors. What made it different from airport security is that before walking through the metal detectors you had to scan your badge, also the fact that Friday is there scanning as well.

This meant that before heading through the scanners I had to take off my sensory equipment. When taking off my earpieces I was hit with a wall of sound. There was so much machinery and talking that it was very disorientating. Taking off my glasses was a little better as there wasn't as much input from my surroundings.

I took a few deep breaths before walking through the scanner where my spidey sense went off. Had Friday noticed my spidey gear even though Karen was trying to block her? My worries were calmed soon enough by a sharp push to my back.

"Stop blocking the scanner Parker I, unlike you seem to, want to go on this tour."

It was only Flash. Relief filled my body after that. It was odd that my spidey sense reacted to that though as it hasn't ever reacted to Flash like that since I first got my powers. It new Flash wasn't a danger or a threat to my physical wellbeing and safety.

"Ok, now that everyone is through the scanners we can begin the tour. Would you please follow me to the lift." Mal said with a bright smile to all the class after doing a quick headcount.

While nearing the lift most of the class were wondering how we were all going to fit. During my research about Stark Industries and Friday, I ended up reading how they have extra-large lifts for machinery and tours. Even though I knew this before stepping into the lift I was still amazed by its size. You could probably fit another two classes in here with us, which wouldn't reach the weight limit either. Seeing this made me think Stark Industries was like the Tardis, showing just how much thought was put into the layout and design to fit everything in so perfectly.

"We are about to enter the intern labs. Please don't talk to anyone working in here unless they talk to you first as all the interns are very busy with various projects. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask me. Now once we enter you can walk around and look at everyone's projects."

The lift doors then opened to the labs to show chaos, pure chaos. Interns were walking fast from bench to bench having rushed conversations before sitting down again resuming whatever they were doing before. It all looked like a disorganised mess with a few mini-explosions here and there but if you looked closer there was a system that they all understood.

When I began walking one thing caught my eye. It was a whiteboard kind of near the back of the room filled with an unfinished equation and attempted solutions. I don't know what initially drew my attention to this particular part of the lab but I needed to go and take a closer look at the equation as curiosity took the better of me. As I got closer I noticed an intern standing next to it looking very frustrated and puzzled. Going through their working out to see why they were struggling I found their mistake and let out a little chuckle.

Hearing my laugh the intern turned around to face me before asking: "What's so funny?"

"Your working out. You missed out a negative sign."

"Where?" He asked turning to face the board again.

"Is it ok if I?" I held out my hand signalling for the pen which he then handed to me. "Thanks."

I then proceeded to change some of the work he had done and finish solving the equation. After I finished I turned to see what the thought and also to check if it was right. The intern was just standing there dumbfounded.

"How were you able to figure this out, kid? This is some pretty advanced stuff."

"A few years ago I got bored and decided to read some of my father's more advanced math, science and engineering books. Things similar came up a lot quite often."

"Dang kid, you're smart. I suggest looking into an internship here once you get into college. I'm sure you would be able to get one here easily."



The next stop on our tour was the Avengers museum. It was in a big open space with high ceilings. Dangling from the ceiling like in the lobby were small pieces of metal but this time they formed the different Avengers symbols. Along the walls were different cases filled with costumes and weapons of each Avenger in chronological order of when they became a hero. There were also separate cases with the different missions they have gone on. With the missions that resulted in casualties like the battle of New York, they had a plaque with all the names of the deceased aa a memorial to their lives.

We were given half an hour to look through all the exhibits before going to lunch. I spent most of the time looking through mama spider's case seeing what facts they decided to write about and laughing at the mistakes.

A bit before we left I noticed an empty case in the back. Intrigued I walked up to it where I spotted a little note. It said:

'When you can do the things I can do but you don't and then the bad things happen they happen because of you.'

'Reserved for the most heroic of us all.'

There was a case reserved for Spider-man. That... was surprising.


Author's Note

Whoop whoop finally wrote an update. Lost my motivation for a bit there and was strangely busy but I'm glad I got it back.

In future, if you want updates about when I will post a new chapter and other stuff go follow my Instagram - the_nerdy_hermit. (I post my art on there btw. The updates will probably be on my story)

I might also post a comic version on there at some point. Don't know.

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