Chapter 4

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After Peter leaves, I make my way over to the tower. As soon as I exit the elevator Clint is waiting for me his hands on his hips. He started strutting over towards me but I just held my hand up and walked past him to the kitchen. I grab the coffee pot and pour my self a drink before signalling for Clint to continue.

"Why did you volunteer so quickly? What are you planning? You wouldn't usually do something like this unless you were planning something."

"I thought it would be better if a smaller Avenger approached him first to ask him to come with us. If not I can easily take him down."

"I could've done that though. I'm less known than you."

"You're much more suited to long-range and I doubt you could keep it serious."

"I'm still suspicious but I'm going to leave it alone for now. My prank on Tony is about to go off soon."


Just as I was finishing off my workout in the training room Tony entered throwing the door open grumbling about something, probably Clint's prank. He walked straight towards me tapping furiously on his Stark pad. He looked really stressed and tired. I doubt he had any sleep the previous night.

"Hey, I need you to run a session with a tour group Friday next week. Teach them a bit of self-defence or something. Don't worry they would have signed waivers but try not to hurt them too much. Bucky and Steve will help you too."

I agree half-heartedly before leaving to go to the changing rooms. Once I'm showered and in more casual clothes the Spider-Man alert goes off and I have to change once again. I message peter and head to the rooftop we planned to meet on.

When I arrived I saw Peter standing close to the edge just looking over the city. As I took a step towards him he quickly turned around his spider-sense warning him of something. Usually, I don't trigger that sort of reaction from his spider-sense; the look he had on his face showed it warned him of danger.

"There is another person here be careful don't show our relationship," Peter whispered to me before looking over my shoulder and shouting: "Hey birdbrain why don't you come down and join us. Wouldn't want to miss out on the fight."

I look behind me and see Clint perched on the roof behind us. How did I not see him following me? I was so stupid and I got careless.

"I think we should tell him. He is already suspicious and he is my best friend. I trust him. He told me about his family now it's time I tell him about mine. If you are ok with that." I whispered so quietly that only Peter would be able to hear me with his super hearing.

Peter just gave me a subtle nod showing that he heard me and agreed. I was glad about his response. I felt so bad about hiding Peter from him but I didn't want to overwhelm Peter when his aunt had just died. I thought it was for the best to keep everything hidden from everyone, but I need to tell my best friend.

Clint then jumps down from his building next to me. We stand there for a bit till I turn to face Clint with a serious look in my eyes. He turns his head to meet me but looks back at Peter for a second.

I take a deep breath before saying: "I think you have worked this out already but I know Spider-Man."

"No shit. How do you know him? Do you know his secret identity?"

"I do and I think before I explain he should introduce himself properly."

Peter stood there for a moment before taking off his mask. Next to me, I heard an audible gasp from Clint, he obviously wasn't expecting him to be so young.

"Peter Parker-Romanoff. Nice to meet you." Peter held out his hand for Clint to take, which he did after a pause of awkward silence.

"Wait did you say Parker-Romanoff?"

"He did. After I met him once when he helped me we grew closer, fighting crime together. When his last bit of family died I took him in. I bought a little apartment in Queens and that is where I've been going every evening. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I would risk exposing his identity and he was already going through a lot at the time. Now I have to try and convince the others not to go after him. This situation is just a big mess."

Peter looked down silently. The mention of his aunt and her death was still a sore subject for him. She was such a big part of his life and his only blood relative left.

"It's ok Nat I understand. I mean I kept a family secret too." Clint paused for a moment before addressing Peter. "It was nice to meet you kid. Hopefully, we can talk more in the future but we have to convince Fury not to go after you."

"Thanks, Mr Barton."

"Call me uncle Clint."

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