Chapter 3

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- Peter's POV -

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ears. Whenever I have a sensory overload this would always be terrible but I couldn't have it any other way because I would just sleep through it.

Groggily I slipped out of bed towards my wardrobe and pulled out my clothes for today. I took them over to the shower to start getting ready for the morning and school. The shower definitely woke me up as the water hit my body with its freezing temperature startling me. I quickly changed the temperature making it slowly heat up and become more comfortable. After I finished washing I got dressed and headed to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Nat was making breakfast. Not many people knew this but Nat was an amazing baker and cook. I always enjoy her food when she makes it. While cooking certain dishes she sings Russian lullabies which help me calm down after a bad day. Her food brings a sense of comfort which I really needed after May died.

As I got closer I realised she was making syrniki. They are like a Russian cheese pancake. I usually have honey on mine but I decided to try it with jam today. Nat always has hers with jam or sour cream so I thought it must be good with jam. I decided to go with some blueberry jam for them and it was a good idea because they tasted amazing.

Once I had eaten my breakfast and looked down at my phone to check the time I realised I was going to be late if I didn't hurry up and leave now. I got too distracted while eating breakfast with Nat I lost track of time. Jumping up I ran to the door calling over to Nat saying I love her before leaving for school.

One good thing from the spider bite is that I got super speed with the strengthened muscles and agility. This helped me get to school with time to spare before the bell rang. I dashed over to my locker to get my books out to make sure I had everything for the day. Just as I closed my locker door the bell rung so I headed to my first class of the day, physics with Mr Harrington.

When the lesson starts I realise how painfully boring this lesson is going to be. We were looking at gamma radiation. This was a subjected I learnt at a college level when I was younger. I would read all the books uncle Ben had and enjoyed reading all of Dr Banner's papers. I zoned out for most of the lesson working on creating a better web formula in my notebook until ned elbowed me in the arm five minutes before the end of the lesson.

"So now that I have all of your attention I would like to announce that next week on Friday we will all be going on a surprise field trip. You should all be very excited about this as there will be a chance for internship opportunities which would look very good on your personal statements. Make sure you hand your permission slips in by the end of the week."

This excites everyone in the class. At Midtown there aren't that many field trips that you go on but as it is the leading STEM school if there is a field trip it is always amazing. With this in mind, anyone would be desperate to get one of the internships. Like the rest of my class, I was excited but I was also nervous. My track record with field trips isn't the best which doesn't fill me with much confidence. Hopefully, this one turns out different.


As the bell rings for lunch I head over to the cafeteria. Inside I see Ned at our usual table and head over. I used to always buy lunch at school when I lived with May, but now Nat always makes lunch for me before I leave making sure to add extra to account for my fast metabolism.

"Hey, Ned I have something important to tell you."

"What is it? Is it to do with Spider-Man?" Ned asks making sure to whisper at the end.

"It is. So I may or may not have the Avengers trying to catch me to reveal my identity."

"Dude that awesome. Kinda. At least you can meet all of them."

"I guess but Mama Spider is going to try and convince them to just ignore me and that I'm not a threat."

"Your life is so crazy," Ned says while shaking his head.

"I know."

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