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Liam's POV

I slowly got dressed , dreading school . Louis had called multiple times , but I didn't answer .

"Hurry up Liam!" Mum called .

I sighed and put my shoes on before jogging downstairs . My wrist burned where I had added my newest memory. This time it was '12-24' because that's Louis' birthday . I now had 9 cuts. I made sure to cover it with my jacket and mum grinned at me.

"Can you walk sweetie ? I have to get to work."

"Sure mum." I grabbed the granola bar she had laid out , and took a small bite . Once she was gone , I threw the rest in the garbage.

I had been getting skinnier , seeing I hardly ate and to top it off , I went for a jog sometimes four times in one day!

I started walking towards the school , and with my luck, it started pouring down rain.

If I still had Louis , I would be in the car with him. Holding his hand. Not a care in the world. Tears began to mix with the raindrops that were falling onto my face.

I got to a park and sat on the bench.

I closed my eyes , having not slept in 4 days. I layed down on the bench , and huddled my body together.

I was so cold as I drifted away .

Louis' POV

I drove silently as the rain hit the windshield . As I passed the park , I saw a figure laying on the bench. I pulled to a stop and got out . Slowly walking, I soon realized it was Liam .

"Liam!" I yelled , my legs running quickly.

He didn't answer . He didn't even move . I scooped him up and carried him to the car . No one was at my house, so I took him there . I layed him on the couch and went to get dry clothes .

I got back and started pulling his shirt off. I noticed a bit of blood on his shirt, and began praying that he didn't get hurt.

Once the shirt was off, I saw them. Plain as day .





And then some lines .

I held my breath and got up. I walked to the kitchen and began to sob. I had caused this. Those cuts were MY fault. Sobs shook my body uncontrollably. My phone rang, and I tried to stop. Once only tears where streaming , I answered.

"Hello?" I said with a sniffle.

"Louis! Where are you? You were supposed to pick me up half an hour ago!"

"Harry.. I'm not coming today. Okay? Sorry."

"Louis whats wrong? why are you crying ?"

"Nothing Haz . I'm fine."

I hung up and sat on the kitchen floor with my face in my hands .

I sat there for a while , who knows how long.

Suddenly Harry , Zayn, and Josh walked in.

"Louis . 1. What's wrong? 2. Why is Liam sleeping on the couch with no shirt on?" Harry asked .

"I - I was driving to get you and I saw someone on the bench at the park . It was raining so I stopped . I noticed it was Liam and brought him here . He was sleeping so I decided to put dry clothes on him! I .. I he cut because of me! He has cuts on his wrist ! " I started sobbing again and Harry pulled me into a hug.

"How do you know he cut cause of you !" Zayn asked.

"He it was me my initials and a my birthday and and and it said boobear and it's my fault !" I gasped , random words mixing in with what I was trying to say.

They all gasped and my sobs got louder .

"Is Liam okay? Does he need doctor?" Josh asked .

Just at that, Liam stumbled in. He looked awful. His ribs were beginning to show and he was pale. He also had dark rings around his eyes. I stood up, shaking but only silently crying, and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek .

"Liam listen. Can you please let me explain what happened ?"

He nodded slowly , and I sat him in a chair. I sat across from him, grabbing his hands . I looked at his wrists and a whimper slipped out . Liam looked ashamed as he looked at the floor. Zayn walked to the other room, and the others followed.

"Liam, Eleanor is just a friend. My dad.. He came back with her. We used to be great friends when we were younger . My dad has always dreamt that I would marry her one day, but we are only friends . I tried to tell my dad about you, but he wouldn't listen . I had to go, but I made it clear we were just friends. El didn't realize I even had a boyfriend when she answered my phone . Please li li . Forgive me?"

Liam's eyes met mine , and he smiled.

"Okay . But do you mind if I take a nap ? I haven't been sleeping well ."

"Me either. And by the looks of it, you haven't eaten well either." I said, pinching his belly.

He shook his head and I scooped him up again .

"Lads , we are gonna take a nap!" I said , marching to my room. I layed him on the bed and took my shirt off before laying next to him.

Thunder rumbled , and Liam gasped. He cuddled into me, and I wrapped my arms around him .

"I love you Louis ."

I grinned at the 4 words I have wanted to hear so badly .

"I love you too Liam ."

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