Prologue Part 1: Liam's POV

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"Just leave me alone, Tyler." I mumbled to my bully, who was picking on my yet again for being smart. You would think being smart was good, but I guess not.

"What are ya gonna do about it? Punch me?! Ha! Right! You're too nice!" He pushed me, pinning me to the wall.

"Mr. Flinch! Release Mr. Payne right now!" The principle was yelling. I took the chance to escape, and ran to class with seconds to spare.


The First class flew by. During History, I asked to use the restroom. I walked quickly, not wanting to miss anything.

I peed, and went to the sink to wash my hands. One of the badest, most popular guys in the whole school, Louis Tomlinson, came in and started smoking. I couldn't help it.

"You know, Smoking is really bad for you."

"So? Shut the fuck up."

"No, Really. You could get cancer and die or some-" He was walking towards me. Suddenly, his fist collided with my nose, which instantly started gushing blood. I fell back in shock, and sat against the wall.

Louis' face went soft as he handed my some paper towels. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry!"

"I guess I deserved it..."

"NO! I just get tired of hearing the truth."

I smiled, holding the paper towels tight to my nose.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson." Of  course, I know this already!

"Hi Louis, I'm Liam."

"Liam, How would you like to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"

"Sure." I smiled as the bleeding stopped. "I better get back to class." I said, realizing how long I'd been in there.

He chuckled. "Okay, Meet you at lunch then?"

"Yeah!" I ran, literally, back to class.

"Thank you for returning Liam, You've missed a whole page of notes." Mr. Hill stated.

I grimaced and sat down.

Just my luck.

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