Chapter 2

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Liam's POV

I woke up to a loud bang in the other room. My eyes flew open, and I realized I was in my room. What?

I sat up and walked to the kitchen, where my mother was sitting with Louis.

"What's going on?"

"Louis brought you home. He said you were'nt feeling well."

"Oh. Well...I feel better. What time is it?" I yawned.

"Almost 7." Louis answered.

"Wow. I slept a long time."

They laughed as I sat down at the table. My stomach growled loudly.

"Hungry Li?" Louis asked. I nodded and he chuckled.

"Louis, Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Sure. I'll just call my mother." He smiled and went in the other room.

My mother smiled at me. "He's nice Liam."

I nodded. Like I didnt know.


3 weeks later. Louis' POV

Liam and I have been friends for a while now, and with each day, every time I see him(Which is often), my heart beats quicker. I've began to notice small things, Like the way he blushes when embarrassed even the slightest, or how his eyes shine when he's happy, which is almost always.

At this very moment, I was walking down to hall to get to my class. Liam was standing by the wall, some kids teasing him.

"Hey! Did you do my homework?!"


"IM GOING TO KILL YOU! NOW IM GONNA FAIL MATH!" He went to take a swing at Liam's face, but I grabbed his fist.

"Leave him alone!" I growled.

He turned and looked at me. "Aw, Is he your boyfriend?!"

I punched him, hearing his nose crunch, before grabbing Liam and pulling him away.

I pulled him out of the school, to the playground.


"Louis! We're ditching! We're gonna get in trouble! We have to go back right now!"

"Liam, Calm down! I need to tell you something."

"No! We have to get to class! The bell will ring any second now! I can't get in trouble AGAIN! I'll get a detention! Come on Lo-" I smashed my lips to his, causing him to stop talking. Our lips moved in sync, until I finally pulled away, long after the bell rang.

"We're late." Liam whispered, inches away from my face.

Liam's POV

I walked slowly into my class.

"Liam. You're late. I'm going to have to give you a detention."

I sat down as she wrote a slip and handed it to me.

"Tomorrow after school."

I sat the whole class, replaying me and Lou's kiss over and over. Why did he do it? The bell rang and the rest of the day flew by. I walked outside, and saw Louis waiting for me.

"Hey Liam." He smiled.

My heart pounded. "Hey Lou."

"You seem worried."

"I just. Well...My mum's gonna kill me."


"I got a detention..."

"For what?!"

"Being almost 30 minutes late to class."

"I'm sorry Liam. Its my fault."

"No, I could've left Lou, but I wanted to stay."

He smiled and ran his finger down the side of my face. "Listen Li."

I looked in his eyes and waited for him to continue.

"I l-" Harry came up.

"Hey lads!"

"Hi Harold."  Louis said angrily.

"What did I do to deserve a Harold!?"

"Nothing. Come on, Liam. We'll go somewhere else and talk."

Harry stood there, confused, as Louis pulled me towards his car.

He didn't say a word as we drove to who knows where, but he glanced at me occasionly, and when he did, a smile came to his face.

We pulled up to a baseball game.

"Why are we here Lou?"

"Honestly, I just drove." He looked at me intensly. "Liam. I.....I think I might love you."

My heart fluttered, and I smiled. "Louis. I think I love you too."

He smiled and leaned towards me. He kissed me gently.

"Would you be my boyfriend, Liam?"

"Yes Louis." I whispered.

"Should we tell our parents?"

I nodded. "My family knows that I'm bi..."

"Mine doesn't..."

"Its okay. I'll protect you now."


Louis' POV

Liam's mum took the news really well, as did his sisters. They were very happy. Now, we had to tell my mum.

I took a deep breathe as we got out of the car. We walked in, and saw my mum in the kitchen making cookies.

"Hello Louis! Liam! What a pleasure to see you again!"

Hesmiled. "Its a pleasure to meet again too."

"Mum, can you call for the girls. We have to tell you something."

She looked confused, but did, and soon 4 girls were in the kitchen.

"Well...Mum...Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe, Daisy." I started. My stomach was flipping.

"Just say it Lou." Liam whispered loud enough for only me to hear.

"Me and Liam...We.... Uhh..."

"Louis is my boyfriend." He finished.

They looked shocked, which scared me, but then they smiled.

"Well welcome to the family Liam." Mum hugged him.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Liam, Do you want to go to Niall's house? I think Zayn, Harry, and Josh are there."

"Sure." He smiled. I took his hand and said goodbye to my family.

We drove to Niall's, and told them.

They all took it extremely well. Except Harry, because he was mad at me for 'being very rude' to him.

"Sorry Haz." I hugged him.

"I don't hug fags." He left, as we all stared at him in shock.

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