🌸 Blossom 🌸

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The trip was organized quickly, making haste with every second. Hyunjin explained everything that would be needed to be taken care of in Astoria to the Oberon, Minho reaching out to help with the expedition as soon as he had heard word of the kidnapping.

Jisung was helping a frantic Felix make sure they had everything for their trip, and by everything it meant the things they would need in case of a fight, maps and compasses for navigation. The Faraway Mountains were like their name, Faraway. If he hadn't emphasized this before, then he shall again, but the journey was a dangerous and extremely difficult one.

Difficult because they would have to battle all sorts of temperatures, the cold being the biggest problem, since it was enough to freeze a person alive. It would take a lot of heat spells and energy potions to sustain them for an hour even. The journey was tough, and that wasn't his biggest worry. 

The kids.

He was serious when he asked Hyunjin to trust him, since judging by how living in the mountains was impossible, there was only one other way the kidnapper would survive.

But, if however the kidnapper did indeed take that way, it also meant the search would be more difficult, since the Faraway Mountains stretched quite far, the entire west of Astoria, and even reached the east of Aurora. That was the problem, since with so much ground to cover, it was quite a difficult task, and who knew what would happen to his kids if they were a minute late.

It was difficult.

I asked Hyunjin to trust me.

He does.

I need to trust myself.


The troop was efficient yet, quite small in number. Seungmin insisted he must assist, even in his battered state. Changbin and Jeongin accompanied, along with the close supervision of Chan. They had acquired around 14 guards (Not including Changbin), which made the total of 20 people travelling to the dreaded mountains.

Right now, they were passing through the valley of blossoms, deciding to rest for the night. There was no way they would reach the mountains in a day, it would be a 8 day trip, at the least. 

The guards pitched the tents, and after a silent and awkward supper, the six retreated to the biggest tent where the royals would sleep. Five guards would stay up overnight, while the other slept.

"Everyone's here?" Hyunjin asked, closing the tent entrance and staring at the people gathered.

"Yup, all six are here. Seungmin, you good?" Chan replied, helping Seungmin with his crutches.

Seungmin nodded, thanking Chan for the help and sitting down next to Changbin.

"So, What exactly does Felix have in mind?" Jeongin began, taking a seat as well.

"We know that the kidnapper resides in the Faraway mountains. They can't possibly be living on the mountain, circumstances don't support it. However, the mountains do provide shelter to many gnomes, and they live in the faraway mountains." Felix explained, pointing at the black patch of land under the mountains.

The five nodded, Seungmin gasping after a good two minutes.

"So, you're saying that the someone we after, they are living underground? Under the mountains?" Seungmin added, realizing where the elf was leading.

"Exactly, just because they live in the mountains, doesn't necessarily mean they live on top of it."

"Felix, that- that makes sense! But, again there's a problem." Chan disputed, clicking his tongue in disagreement.

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