🛡️ Protect Me 🛡️

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The troop traveled through the valley the next morning, diverting their direction to the north-west. It was both a good and bad change, since the north-west part was geographically nearer to the valley, however, it was also much more dangerous to pass, and their dragons and Pegasi would not be able to survive the whether, which meant hiking.

They were currently passing a forest, after which they would pass a huge lake and finally reach the north-west Faraway mountains. Four days had passed, and the trip was going somewhat like planned, with more casualties than planned.

There were instances where the purple-robed would harm one of their troop, and then disappear. Leaving a trace of where their hideout might be. It was intentional, not a silly mistake- Chan had concluded this on one of their meetings.

"Hyung, why are they trying to lead us 'somewhere'?" The fox warlock asked, distributing some energy potions around to the soldiers while they were travelling through the forest.

"Like I said, whoever is behind this, is trying to lure us to do something. They're trying to lure us into talking with them, or trapping us. Which is why, we need to form a plan before we meet them, to make sure we aren't fooled by their 'clues'." The werewolf replied to the fox, taking a potion as well. 

"Lix, how are the kids?" Hyunjin shouted, glancing above at the elf who was riding Frostbite in the sky while surveying the surroundings.

"Fine, but still weakened. I can feel their energy depleting slightly." The elf replied, clutching the locket on his neck close to his heart.

The sapphire locket was a gift from the elf's mother before she died, and it connected the souls of the elf's mother, Felix and his sisters. The locket had given the power to Mrs. Lee to be able to feel her children's pain, emotionally. And now that the locket was passed down to Felix, he could make sure his kids were safe. 

But, it wouldn't assure they weren't harmed, and that's why they needed to speed up.

"We might need to take the shortcut and pass the lake directly across, Rather than, around it..." Seungmin commented, staring at the green trees that surrounded them.

"Yes, Flying over it might be the best idea." Changbin agreed with Seungmin for once, taking one potion and packing it with him, considering drinking it later.

"We only have 5 Pegasi, and two dragons. How will we accommodate 14 soldiers and the 6 of us?" Jeongin rebutted, furrowing his eyebrows.

The page looked around, counting the people and the animals they had. Clicking his tongue, he looked at the soldiers that were walking, trying to find a way to fit all of them.

"Frost can carry 2 of us, which I assume will be Hyunjin and Felix, Nyre can carry one of us, which has to be either me or Jeongin. That makes 3, then we have the Pegasi. Which can take one person at a time, so 8. The rest 12 have to stay back. We can take with us, two guards. The rest of us know how to fight anyway, just in case." Chan answered the fox's question from before, making Seungmin nod in agreement.

"That works. We can take Jongho and Wooyoung. Mingi and the others will stay back, and stay on the lookout near the lake." Seungmin added, counting once again the troop members.

"Right. Then, let's separate, because we are at the lake. The eight who are coming, consume some of the potion now, because it will start to kick in after a while." Jeongin advised, gulping down some of his own. 

"Changbin, Seungmin, Jongho, Wooyoung and myself will ride the pegasi. Hyunjin, Felix on Frostbite and Jeongin on Nyre. Is that clear?" The werewolf announced, sorting out everyone.

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