🧶Unraveling 🧶

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"Hyung, you sure this is where they reside?" The page asked, observing the cave entrances that could be seen from a far.

"Yes, my sense of smell never lies." Chan assured, sniffing the air and then the purple cloth he had in his hands, confirming it was the same.

The page took out a blank map, drawing a rough sketch of the caves and the land around it, mapping out an outline of where the tunnels and holes may lead.

After drawing a somewhat confusing spider-like web, the dryad showed the map to Changbin, who only raised an eyebrow.

"You expect me to decode that?" He asked, slightly amused.

"I was just showing you- you know what never mind, I will take care of directions, it's not like you fools could know how to tell the difference between east and west anyway."

"Excuse me-""Can we continue this somewhere else, what's the plan, Seung?" The vampire interrupted the two from causing yet another quarrel.

"This is just a sketch from what I can tell from the outside of the caves, the inside can be very different from what I drew. However, we can use this as a base to continue the chase, as the back entrance seems somewhat secluded, which means it is less likely to have guards. If we take that into account, and enter from the back, we might just be able to get in, without causing a ruckus. From there, Jeongin will guard the entrance, while I accompany Chan, Hyunjin, Changbin and the rest of the guards inside, to direct them. Jeongin, give Chan the potions you were working on, in case we meet one of those purple idiots. Is it fatal?" The page summarized the plan, looking towards the warlock who passed a rucksack full of bottles clinking together to the werewolf.

"Nope, it just paralyses the victim. At the most, it might knock one out if they accidentally consume it or inhale it's fumes, but the most it can do if the skin comes in contact with it's contents is numb the body." Jeongin explained, helping Chan to haul the sack on his back.

"Good enough. Let's get going, we don't have much time." Seungmin concluded, gathering everyone together in a circle.

"Hyunjin, we will make sure your family is safe. They'll be okay, and so will you." The page consoled, patting the vampire's back and getting on a pegasi.

"Let's go!"


The silver-haired boy woke up, groggily rubbing his eyes to adjust with the unfamiliar darkness. It took him awhile to realize the darkness he saw was from the red curtains of the bed. With a yawn, he sat up on the bed, reaching his hands out to open the curtains, when he realized something wasn't right.

Glancing at his arms, he noticed the red string-like marks on his wrists. And trailing his eyes further, he realized he was shivering, the blanket dropping down to his waist, and exposing his very much naked torso.

His body was covered in bite marks, and one in particular on his shoulder, stinging like hell. There were two blueish purple fang marks on his toned yet pale skin, right next to the junction between his neck and arm.

He raised the blanket just a bit, a cool air blowing to make him shiver once gain.

He wasn't wearing any clothes.

His head began to ache terribly, not to mention the horrible soreness of his lower body. The elf laid back down once again, only noticing the warmth of another being next to him. Turning around, he was met by a very toned and muscular chest, radiating the same warmth he had felt before.

Looking up, he saw a man, the face being so painfully familiar, but he just couldn't tell who exactly.

The man opened an eye, gazing at Felix gently, placing a peck on the latter's forehead after.

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