☀️💙 Sit in the sunshine and close your eyes, Look at me for a second 💙☀️

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(Long, Long, Long Chap ahead. Comment along the way- I love reading your reactions. Seriously tho- This is the longest I've ever written. Word Count: 12,204)

Being stuck in a castle, on a lonely bed with either doctors checking on you or casting spells to make you sleep, it gave the elf a lot of time.

Time to think.

His schedule was simple, really. In the mornings, he would be served breakfast, and then Olivia would check his brain, for any signs of improvement. Then, a regular check-up by the royal physician, Minhyuk, and then he would talk with one of his sisters or the counsellor, about his mental health, what he felt about everything.

He had been traumatized, the counsellor said one day to the king, drawing nothing but a sigh from the latter.

After the talk sessions, He would rest until he was shaken awake by Yoojin and Yongjin, back from school to tell him all about their day.

It was harder to explain to the kids, that their mother didn't know who they were, so Hyunjin just told them their mother was sick for a while, and wouldn't be able answer everything, and might forget small things. He advised them not to call Felix 'mom' for awhile. The princess accepted that quickly, assuming that after the elf was better, He would respond to every single one of her questions, still puzzled why she wasn't allowed to call Felix mom.

And while Yoojin recited her tales, the prince could do nothing but listen as well, since he wasn't old enough to quite put out his thoughts in proper sentences yet. He would speak brokenly sometimes, narrating mostly with his hands when Felix asked him.

After 3 months in the infirmary, Olivia convinced the doctors that it was about time Felix was allowed to get out of bed and walk around. The elf was quite pleased with this, Seungmin giving him tours of the palace. It was quite ironic really, the same elf who built these walls, now was exploring them.

And even then, when he returned back to bed, those nightmares would wait for him.


A room, square and small. Dark and cold.

And in the middle of it all, lay a body.


He opened his eyes, looking around the mysterious room.

He tried to lift his arm, with no avail. It lay to his right, limp and lifeless.

His body was good as dead, and his heart was all that was beating.

He wasn't breathing either.

His lungs began to crumble up inside him, igniting a painful fire inside of him, like his body was burning holes through itself.

The scars on his arms opened, blood gushing through his wounds. The stitches from his injuries while training, tore open, black liquid pouring from them.

The liquid spread below him, almost drowning him, and suffocating him.

He tried to scream, but his throat was scratchy and dry, and no sound was produced when he opened his mouth.

He coughed out blood, pouring out on the ground and seeping through the stone, grey floor. His vision began to blur, focusing on a shadowy figure standing on the opposite of the room.


Felix woke up, his breathing erratic. He had been experiencing the same nightmare for months, and he would always wake up before the figure could reveal itself.

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