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"What the fuck happened?" Tom asked as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Raiden punched me." Milton said, touching his lip that was bleeding. "It was a good hit too."

"Why'd he hit you?"

"I don't know." he looked up at me as if waiting for me to say something.

"Maybe you ate his pudding." I faked a laugh.

"Dude, you should know better than that." Tom said, shaking his head.

Raiden was obsessed with pudding and would literally get mad if someone ate his last one. Though he never actually hit someone, a whack to the back of the head usually happened.

"I gotta go, I'll see you guys later." I said without looking back down at Milton.

"Later." Tom said.

Milton didn't say anything to me and seemed to easily start a conversation with Tom.

I was unfortunately lost in thought on the way home, trying to think of the scenarios that could possibly take place. All of them were not to my liking. The most probable one was that Milton would simply act as if nothing happened and hoped that I would do the same. Thinking that made me think that Raiden was right, I was already regretting it because I knew that nothing could actually come out of it. Milton accepted me for who I was but just because he let me do it one night when we were drinking, didn't mean he was going to accept me as being his lover or even a fuck buddy.

Too busy mulling over some other possible situations I barely noticed the speeding truck that was only a few feet away from me. I backed out of the way in time, saving myself from being hit but I tripped and fell backwards, hitting the back of my head on the cement base of a street light post.

I felt the shock of the hit but I didn't feel any pain. There was a warmth at the back of my head and I was confused for a moment but then everything went black.

The next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital bed, apparently two days later.

Not having a concrete memory of what took place that day, or the day before, I only remembered bits and pieces of everything. The doctors told me it was normal and that I had no serious brain damage. It was possible that I would gain the memory back over time but it was also possible that I may not. He said no one was the same so there was no guarantee of anything.

While in the hospital I was visited by many of my friends and classmates, and luckily I remembered all of them and everything about them. I was afraid for a bit that my memory loss would be worse than expected.

"Dude, this tastes nasty." Tom said, spitting out my mashed potatoes that were beside me on a tray.

He gave himself the okay to try everything on my plate, eating what he liked and putting down everything that he didn't.

"How can you take a sick man's food?" Milton laughed. "What if he wanted that cake looking desert thing you're eating?"

"It's cake." Tom said. "And it tastes good."

Sitting behind them as they jokingly argued, was Raiden with an irritated look.

"I'm getting out tomorrow, who's going to take me out to eat and buy my meal?" I asked seriously.

Milton looked to Tom and Tom to Milton but then both back at Raiden.

Raiden looked as though he wasn't paying attention at all, even though he was practically staring at us.

"Looks like he's lost in his own little world again." Tom said.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

"He didn't tell you anything?" Milton asked, looking surprised.

"No. Why did something happen?"

"I don't know what happened but after your accident, he's been zoning out a lot, but he doesn't say what he's thinking about." Tom said with a shrug.

Though me and Tom were looking at Raiden, I noticed Milton's eyes were pointed at the ground and to the side. I didn't know what was going on but to me it looked as though something was wrong between Milton and Raiden.

Not being able to remember what happened a few days prior to the accident and me being out for two days, I was at a loss of what could have happened.

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