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It happened pretty quickly, and it happened a lot easier than I had thought. Not only did the memories of the accident return, but so did the incident between Milton and Raiden and what happened between me and Milton.

My mother took me to where I hit my head and seeing it brought back the memory pretty quickly. Then everything else pretty much just played back in reverse, then replayed in order. Recalling everything gave me a headache and I became a little nauseous. At this point I was relieved and not relieved that I had remembered.

"Tyler, dinner's ready." My mom said gently through my bedroom door.

"I'll be right down."

I didn't tell my mom that I remembered everything, but that I did pretty much remember what happened when I hit my head. She was relieved with that and didn't question the night before. Probably because she had no thought of anything else being of importance.

I decided to be a coward and admit that I sort of remembered the accident but nothing else. I planned to act like I still didn't remember anything and act the same around everyone like nothing was abnormal. I remembered, but if it was going to make it easier for them to forget, then I didn't have a problem with it.

Though that's what I planned, nothing ever went the way I planned.

"Your mom said you remembered the accident." Milton said at the table with a plate in front of him.

"He showed up just a bit ago and I told him to stay for dinner." My mother said with a sweet smile.

I couldn't blame her for her kindness, but I felt pretty uncomfortable at that moment, I felt like I was put on the spot and wasn't ready to act oblivious just yet. I didn't even know if I could.

"After dinner let's go upstairs and see if we can jog some of your memories." I bet you're pretty confused." he said naturally.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smiled, hoping that it looked normal.

"Don't try too hard, you can give yourself time, there is no reason to rush." My mother said.

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