The first day at the Academy (Once-ler)

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-Once-lers Side-
"BEEP BEEP" went the Once-lers alarm. The first day at his academy, the Once-ler got dressed for the day excited to see what the day held. He walks out his room into the main area of the dorm. The Lorax walked through with his recycled bags full of books and said "see you at class, Once-ler."
The Once-ler completely forgot about his bag and in a panicked state collected all of his books in his hands. The Once-ler was nearly crushed by his books by the time he got down to the cafeteria. Skylar waved him to sit with her and her friends. The Once-ler sat down at the table and Skylar said "wait Once-ler where is your bag?"
"I umm left it upstairs ... I forgot to pack it."
Then Skylar sighed and chuckled "Oh right you don't know anyone here... this is Blaire" she pointed to a jolly person with short black hair and green eyes, "thats my brother, Ed" she pointed to a guy that looked vastly differ to Skylar except for the colour of her hair and crystal blue eyes, "and thats my girlfriend Eve" she pointed to a tall, muscular girl with dyed purple hair and brown eyes.
"Nice to meet you," the Once-ler said. They all smiled at each other and chatted until the bell rung. They all walked together in a group with Skylar and Eve walking behind them holding hands as Eve held Skylars books. The Once-ler became friends with all of them by the time they'd reached English class.
All the classes swept by. By the time it was 3 o'clock the Once-ler felt like school had only been a few minutes. "Hey, you wanna hang out with us at 4, Once-ler?" asked Ed.
"Of course ... also, please call me Ed, Ed."
They both exchanged a smile and walked back to their dorms. When the Once-ler walked in he saw the Lorax laying on the coach "wow, looks like you had a great day"
"Welp as long as you're miserable I'm happy."
"I thought you'd forgiven me"
"I will, just not now I'm still mad at you" the Once-ler whistled as he walked into his room. He turned back and saw the Lorax roll his eyes.

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