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Walking into my apartment was weird. I never thought Sebastian of all people would be walking into my apartment let alone kiss me! But seriously Olivia you need to stop fangirling, you're 35 years old and he is just another human being. We stopped in front of my apartment door and I inserted the key and opened it up.

"Well, here it is, my lovely typical New Yorker apartment."

"I actually really like it."

"Oh, please, your bathroom is probably the size of my whole apartment or like the size of your wine cellar or bathroom." He slowly walked closer to me and placed his hands on my waist pulling me closer to him. Our bodies were pushed together, the only space was the few inches we had from each other's lips.

"You know Olivia, I know to you I'm some big shot actor-"

"To everyone but ok."

He let out a laugh. "HOWEVER, I actually have a small apartment like this not far from here. I'm not one to want huge houses or really expensive things because I didn't take up acting for the money, it was something I loved doing."

"Oh- that's cute, what a humble king."


"Forget I said that."

"Anyways, I was promised that there was a big bottle of champagne waiting to be opened."

"Right, I will get that right out." I was walking away but was pulled back as he pulled onto my wrist and gave me a kiss. When we pulled apart I licked my lips and stared into his eyes more, practically melting into it.

"What was that for?"

"I don't know, I kinda just missed your lips."

I bit the bottom corner of my lip as he said that and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a more passionate make out sesh. I slowly pulled away looking into his ocean blue eyes and gave a little grin in which he did the same.

"Ok, mister smooth, I think we can skip that champagne bottle for now, don't you think?"

"Yeah, that is probably for the best."

As soon as those words were said he lifted me onto the kitchen counter and started kissing my neck. It wasn't until he hit my sweet spot for me to start moaning.

"I guess I found the right spot, you like that?"

"Mhmm, yeah just stay right there."

We came apart just for a split second so that I could take his shirt off, it was a challenge for me because he was wearing a shirt that was a few sizes too small in order to show off some muscle. He let out a laugh, throwing his head back from watching me struggle.

"Stop laughing, you're the one who still shops at Baby Gap."

"Wow, that was just rude."

I pulled him back so we could continue kissing. His hands slowly went down to my waist and he lifted me up while our lips were still attached. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and my legs instantly wrapped around him. He was rubbing onto my ass as he walked me over to my bedroom and laid me onto the bed. He slowly climbed up on top of me so he was now in between my legs. He started to kiss more slowly down to my stomach, he lifted up my crop top and started kissing my stomach once again. In which I let out a little giggle.

"What is it now Olivia?"

"I'm ticklish there."

"Oh really?" He said as he then started to attack me with tickles to the point where I couldn't breath.

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