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I slowly was opening my eyes but it was too bright so I shielded it with my hands. As I adjust to the light I came to the conclusion I was in the hospital. I hear a faint voice coming from the door, trying to make out who it is.

"..but she can't get pregnant, there is no way."

"Yeah, she made that very clear when they first met."

As my vision clears up I see it's Sebastian and Chris talking to a doctor.

"S-seb?" I try to get out but my very dry mouth over takes me.

"I don't understand what you're are saying doctor she- doll? Oh my god she is awake."

"Sebastian?" I said while grabbing my stomach in pain trying to fight the tears but they began to fall.

"Olivia, I thought I lost you. How are you feeling?" He said while bending at the side of my hospital bed and bringing his hand up to rub my cheek.

"I feel like Chris fell on me about 10 times." I let out a low laugh which turned into a cough. Man is my mouth dry. "Can I get some water?"

Him and Chris were laughing as Chris handed him some water.

"Thanks." I took the water and drank it all in one go. Then I remembered..."My baby..where is the doctor i- is my baby ok?"

I saw Sebastian face go from a smile to a straight apologetic face. Chris had excused himself and left.

"N-no Sebastian fucking Stan change that face. Don't tell me what I think you're going to tell me." I said as my sobs where getting louder and louder. "Please, don't." I said in more of a whisper still not being able to control my tears.

"I'm sorry Olivia." 

"No!" My voice was shakey and I turned my face so I was looking away from Sebastian. 

"Hey-hey look at me Olivia. We're going to be ok."

I turned back to look him in the face. "I final- WE finally had a chance and he took it from us, like he has been taking everything from me. It's all my fault."

Sebastian tilted his head and gave me a 'are you dumb' face. "Don't say that Olivia. How is any of this your fault."

"Annalise. I brought her into our lives and she just fucked me over. She brought him back into my life and now I lo-lost-" I couldn't finish my sentence my sobs over took me once again.

"Shhh, it's ok Olivia, It's ok." He said as he got up from the floor and plopped down next to me in the small hospital bed.

We stayed cuddled up for about ten minutes and then a small smile over took my face and I looked up into Sebastian eyes. I placed both my hands on the side of his face.

"I was pregnant." I said in a whisper.

A smile grew on his face as well. "You were pregnant." He said back in the same tone.

I brought my hands down and held onto his arm stroking his arm. "I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out but I wanted to surprise you and Chris so I went to CVS and..I'm sorry If I just told you instead of trying to do something none of this would've-"

"Baby, stop. It's not your fault. It's those two who did this, nothing you did was wrong. They're gone. They won't hurt you or bother us anymore." 

"What happened to them?" I said still starring into his eyes.

"Some guys heard what was going on and saw you getting beaten up so they ran over and pulled them away. They tried running but they weren't fast enough for two track runners. So they held them off until police came. They're in jail, Olivia."

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