Part 2: Change

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Everyone was sitting in the living room, unable to process what they had learned. They were sad, but also very upset.

"I can't believe this" Lux said.

"Why would she do this to him" Star asked angrily.

"Did she ever even care about him" Ena asked.

Dekuwu was holding Metoo close, as she had been crying a little after she found out. Eevee EditZ and Charizard AMV'S sat near the group, both sad and hurt. Pokedog sat in a nearby chair, almost with a look of guilt on their face, however everyone reassured them that they had nothing to be guilty about, as they had nothing to do with it. SophiaThePokemonMaster soon entered back with a look of sadness.

"Did you get an answer from him" Shadow asked.

Sophia shook her head.

"No, he didn't answer when I knocked on his door."

"Yeah well I say good riddance to her."

Everyone looked at Charizard AMV'S who had just said that.

"Yeah, I agree, I hate anyone who makes my big bro sad" Star said with anger.

Metoo then realized something.

"Hey, where's Typhlosion Editz? I haven't seen her today."

Everyone soon realized this too. Come to think of it, didn't they all hear some crashing noises earlier today? They all just assumed it was him after finding out but they all knew he wasn't known for doing that. Almost as if on cue, they all heard loud crashing coming from the kitchen. All of them got up and rushed towards the kitchen. Once they made it, they saw that the kitchen was in ruins and partially burnt, with a fire type standing in the middle. She was breathing heavily and her blue flames were radiating off her.

"Typhlosion! What the hell are you doing" Metoo yelled.

"What does it look like?! I'm making a mess!"

"But why are you" Lux asked.

Typhlosion turned around and everyone's eyes widened in shock. Typhlosion's eyes were red and puffy, her whole body was shaking, and tears were falling down her face.

"Typhlosion...what, what happened" Shadow asked.

"That bitch, that bitch happened! She selfishly broke his heart and just left him to suffer!"

Everyone understood her pain, as they felt it too.

"If I ever see that bitch again, I'll burn her to a crisp for what she did to him!"

Again, everyone completely understood.

"Well, we've all tried to get him to talk to us, but he won't answer any of us" Ena said.

"Maybe you can get him to talk, you are his best friend after all" Lux suggested.

Typhlosion nodded after composing herself and headed towards 64man's door. She knocked on it, no response of course. She then knocked again, but also spoke.

"64man? Its me, could you possibly open the door and talk?"

There was brief silence until she heard movement. It got louder and louder until finally the door began to open. What she saw saddened her to the greatest extent. 64man stood there with a look of pure heartbreak. His eyes had shadows under them, his fur was wild and unkept, tear stains were clearly visible, and he had a blank facial expression.

"Hey..." was all he said.

"64man, I—"

"Its okay" he said with his blank expression still on his face.

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