Part 3: New Experiences

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It all felt so surreal for 64man100. He was going on a date with someone that wasn't Liz. He decided to dress up a little for his date, as he wanted to make a good impression with Hilda. He exited his room and started towards the door of the Homebase. As he was walking, he passed by Typhlosion Editz.

"Hey 64man, what's with the getup?"

"I'm just heading out for my date" he answered with a smile.

Typhlosion stared at him with a mixture of emotions: shock, happiness, fear, excitement.

"O-Oh, ok. Well, I hope you have a great time" she said, trying to hide her mixed emotions but failing miserably.

"What's wrong" he asked.

"N-Nothing's wrong!" She said trying to convince him, however it wasn't working.

64man faced her with a serious expression and said "Typhlosion, tell me what's wrong."

Typhlosion panicked a little, but sighed in defeat.

"Its just, I'm just worried that you'll get your heart broken again. Don't get me wrong though, I am really happy that you're going on a date and getting back out there, I just don't want to see you in that state again" she said with tears starting to form in her eyes.

64man was surprised at her confession, but he quickly went over to Typhlosion and gave her a warm embrace.

"Thanks Typhlosion, for always looking out for me. I'm so lucky I have you as my best friend."

Typhlosion was a little shocked by the sudden hug, but quickly returned it. A warm smile appeared on her face.

"I'm really lucky to have you as my best friend."

They stayed like that for a few more seconds until they separated. They gave each other one last smile and started to go their separate ways. Suddenly 64man stopped.

"Y'know, I really hope she's like you" he said with his back still facing her.

Typhlosion was surprised by this. She then asked, "what do you mean?"

"I really hope that she's nice, funny, caring, looks out for others, accepts Pokémon for who they are, and...doesn't see me as some kind of freak."

Typhlosion's eyes widened with each new word. She was about to respond, until 64man beat her to it.

"Because, I really love...a Pokémon like you." He then started to walk away again.

Typhlosion stood frozen in place, processing everything that he just said. Tears started to form in her eyes, along with a slight blush on her cheeks. She then chuckled to herself.

"I really hope...this is the one for you. Cause there's no one else I know that deserves happiness more than you."


64man was sitting at a table in the restaurant that he told Hilda to meet him at. He was very nervous. For one, he was nervous that he would screw this up, but even worse, he was afraid she wouldn't even show up. However, his fears were quickly banished when he saw her come in. He took one good look at her and instantly blushed. She was wearing a beautiful red dress that went down to just above her ankles, rosy red lipstick was visible on her lips, she also had a pearl bracelet on her right arm, and she was carrying her black purse on her shoulder that she had when they first met. She soon noticed 64man and waved with a smile on her face. She then walked over to his table and sat across from him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late" she said.

"U-Umm, t-that's o-okay" he said with his face as red as a tomato.

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