Chapter 9

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The new year rolled in full force. We've all been busy advancing in our careers. Mani and Dinah have been working really hard in the studio. D released an EP earlier in the year which did great. Now it's Mani's time. Our princess is growing up so fast. Of course the ladies went all out for her 1st birthday. I'm talking real butterflies and a whole petting zoo. As far as family moms and I talk a lot more now. We don't argue or fight just talk. Pops is another story for a later time.

Sitting in my office my phone rung. "Hey baby it's grandma." "Hey gram how are you feeling?" "I'm doing good. Feeling good took a little walk." "That's good gram. Glad you improving." "Well I actually called to ask a favor of sort." "And that would be?" "There's the annual family reunion are you able to make it this year?"

I scratched my head. "I don't know gram." "It would be nice to see you and introduce the girls to everyone." "I'll think about it Gram. This is my family and it's my job to protect them. Yes we aren't the traditional family but this is who we are. I refuse to have anyone talk down on us." "It will be fine. They all miss you and just want to see you. Nobody will say anything to you as long as I have a say. Now you think on it." "I will I love you Gram." "I love you more."

Great. This should be interesting.
"How would you three feel about going to the east coast?" "For?" Dinah asked. "My family has a get together every year and my grandmother wants us to come."

"Are you ready for that?" Mani asked. "It's going to be hard but I'll manage. You three are first priority so if they get out of line we'll just leave. No talking or arguing." "Well I guess we're going to Georgia."

A week later we're sitting in my grandmother's home. "I'm glad you came baby." "Yeah. Any excuse to see you, I'll take it." "Don't worry about tomorrow. Just go and have fun. Oh it's time for my snack." "Gram it's always snack time with you." "Hush boy." She and her walker glided to the kitchen for a few seconds. "Come on Granny's baby." Here she comes, basket full with chips, homemade slices of cake and her big cup of sweet tea. And who was following right behind her? Zoey with her sippy cup.

"Let's see what we got. Want some cake?"
Zoey already knew the routine. She propped her little chair right beside my gram and they snacked while watching The Young and the Restless. "Lord have mercy Victor get on my nerves. He just ugh. I'm bout tired of watching this." "You say that now then about two weeks later you back to it."


"What time is this thing starting?" Kenneth asked. "Thelma said be there at three."Kenneth wanted to leave late on purpose. I don't know what happened between them but I hope it doesn't cause issues. "Well we're here." "Look at me. We are your family and will always love you. You just have to let us in. They're not going to hurt you. Not on my watch, got it?" "Yes ma'am." "That goes for you too girls."

We all piled out of the truck. "I got them, y'all go head." "Come on girls. Let me just reassure you two to not be afraid." "Nitta" "Hey Y'all." "Who this?" "This is Normani and Dinah they're with Kenny." "Ooh." "Wait Kenny actually came?" This older man asked shocked. "Hey Y'all." "Hey Aunt Maddie!!" "Come on Auntie Sit Down. I'll fix yo plate." "Daammnn Kenny Boy. You done grown up." The uncle in the red said. "I see you Nephew. Two of em." One man threw up a fist and a grin. "Y'all don't be shy, we don't bite. I'm Thelma Mae." She hugged us. "It's nice to meet you." "Go ahead and fix yourself something. Who's this cutie?" "This is our baby girl Zoey. Say Hi Auntie." "Welcome Home Nephew." "Thank You Auntie."

"Come on y'all . We can finally go swimming." "Be careful and no horse playing." A very pretty woman named Chantel told the kids. "Yes ma'am." All of them took off running, jumping in the pool. "Didn't I just say be careful." "Girl they been waiting to get in since they got here." Avery, another cousin said. Kenneth was inside changing Zoey for the kiddie pool.
"How long y'all been together?" Chantel asked. "Almost five years. We've been with Dinah almost three." "Damn. That's how I know you two special. Five years with Kenny you got to be angels."

"Is this the first time he's been home?" "He'd sneak in every now and again. By the time we find out he's already back in LA." Avery said. "What happened that you guys don't speak anymore?" Dinah asked. His great uncle Ray answered "Sweetheart that's something no one knows, once he left for UCLA that was it. Shit that was bout what ten years Gary?" "Yeah only time we saw him was on the tv. Boy could've been pro." "Whatever y'all said to get him here and actually speak to us. Thank you." Avery said looking at us.

All the dads were on lifeguard duty with the kids. Yet we're being worse than the kids. "Zoey look at mommy." "Hey Family!" "Aw shit. Here come Nick stupid ass." Terrence said. "Who's Nick?" "Wannabe bougie ass cousin from Aunt Ella's side. Her all the way down to the grandkids act like they're above and better." "All he comes to do is brag about the latest whatever he's got." Que said. "Hey who's pretty cream Escalade out there? They not even out yet." "Kenny's." "Babe take her." Of course she fussed. She's a water baby.

"Well Well Kenneth. I'm actually shocked you showed up." Ken got out. "Nicholas." "Whoa that's all I get?" "Aww hell." "Time to go." Ken looked at me giving me a nod. He's knows I'll step to anybody. Man, woman or child. I DO NOT tolerate disrespect. "Say whatever you have to say, I got to get changed." "Damn that's how it is now? So hostile. You still mad cause I'm better than you. You always tried to compete with me but to no avail. Got the fly whip, money, everything you wished for." "See that's where you're wrong. One who is better than someone doesn't have to keep saying it. Nor do they have to brag about it. All that flossing is a cover up for yourself. You were the one competing with me. Why? I don't know and could honestly care less. That's something you need to figure out. Now if you'll excuse me I have to check on my ladies and little lady.  Come on Mani. I'm pretty sure Zoey is cold."

"I can cut him, you know?" "Oh I know but it's been good so far. Engaging him would only feed his happy meal of an ego. That's all my aunt did growing up. Feed him all the bs about how much better he is compared to the rest of us." "I'll keep my blade within reach next time he gets cocky." "You been talking to my aunt, violent? That's not necessary let's just watch the fireworks and call it a night." "Okay fine. We'll be outside."

"What's with that face?" Dinah nodded. "That Lil Duval looking dude keeps staring at me." It would be Nick. I'm not going to cut him physically but in that tiny ego. "You like something you see?" "Who exactly are y'all?" "We're Kenneth's girlfriends." "Ah he's like Jayasri." "Yes he is like his aunt. The same one who has two very famous wives as well as her own businesses. A beautiful career and family. So, yes he is exactly like her but what exactly do you do?" He drew up his face. "He owns a used car dealership." "More like junkyard." "Ahh and you're better than him how? Hmm two of us, his own entertainment company."

Dinah cut in. "Yet I'm assuming the 2017 BMW 320 is yours, along with the low budget Steve Harvey toupe and fake Rolex. I can hear it ticking all the way over here. I'm pretty sure he makes more in a minute than you make selling three cars. But he doesn't show it want to know why because, he's secure in himself to know I don't have to please nobody. Who are you still trying to please, Nicholas? We're damn near thirty." He didn't say a word. "Now that was check and mate." "Should've just sat there and ate your food." "Did I say we like y'all already?"

Hey Guys, I know it was been literally almost five months since I've updated. Please bare with me during this time. I've lost all motivation and ideas. Hopefully I'll be able to update again soon.

Sorry for the delay, any errors and if this one is not as good. Like, Comment and follow.


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