Chapter 2

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Hitting stop on the alarm, I ease out the bed trying not to wake them. Looking over I saw Dinah already gone, figures. After showering and brushing my teeth I head down to our home gym. Putting on my Gym playlist I hit the chest press first. Times like this I hate being sober. The high, to me, silence the many thoughts that run through my mind and they are never good ones. Finding new ways to cope is the worst, a never ending cycle. Using exercise as the alternative seemed great but it does feel inadequate at times. So one hour turns to two maybe three. However long it takes to have a clear conscious. I get lost trying to think of solutions.

"Kenneth?" "Huh? Morning babe." I never noticed Mani coming in. "Good morning, You okay?" "Yeah I'm straight." She grabbed my face, looking in my eyes as if she was reading my soul. "I know you're lying but you will talk when you're ready." She kissed me with so much love before whispering. "I'm not going to hurt you." And just like that she made everything better. A little reassurance. "I know." She kissed me again before hitting the treadmill. Staring at her I'm once again lost in thought. How'd I get so lucky to have someone like her. She's everything you could ask for and more. We caught eyes in the mirror causing her to smile. "Don't be late." Checking the time I had a little over an hour to get ready.

Work goes by smoothly for the first few hours. Conference calls, meeting a few potential artists, nothing out of the ordinary. Until my personal phone buzzed.

I had fun last night

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I had fun last night. 😏😉

You are so bad.

I'm just happy to have a taste during the week. 🤤😋

Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed the past few months of the sexual adventures. Just can't seem to shake this hold Dinah has on me. I can't take it. Somebody has got to help me. It finally clicked. I haven't spoken to her in a while but she will make sense out of this. They all will. Scrolling through the recent calls her name is not too far down. Three hour time difference, shouldn't be too busy right now. After the third ring she picked up.

"Hey Auntie. Hope I'm not disturbing you."
Jaya: Kenneth! Is that you! Of course you aren't, haven't heard from you in a minute.
"I know. It's been a little....crazy around here lately."
Jaya: I hear! So how are things with the job? I hear you doing good things nephew.
"Yes ma'am. Business is doing good for the most part it's more of a personal"
Jaya: What's going on that's personal?
"Well I met this girl and you know how I am. No feelings attached but she's different. I even asked her to live with me. I love everything about her, she's opened me up a little."
Jaya: You asked her to live with you? That sounds like some shit i'd do nephew.
"That's how I know you would have the answers for this. First glance had me hooked. We've been strong going on two years now."
Jaya: Sounds like she's the one. So what's the problem then?
"A couple months back since we share a birthday she had a surprise for us. Turns out to be her best friend. I'm drunk, not thinking about it. We, you know, do what we do. It went from once to every weekend. Now I'm starting to have this weird feeling."
Jaya: Ohhh so you got a taste of the friend and now you're catching feelings? But you don't know what to do about your relationship?
"Exactly. What do you do when your significant other has admitted to having feelings for both of you. Now you've had a taste and you're hooked just like her. Normani is all I could ask for and more. I appreciate everything she has done. I don't want to lose her if I enjoy this too much or take it further."
Jaya: You marry both they asses! Sharing is caring nephew and if its one thing I know, its how to handle two women. After all I did marry both of my women.
"But how? I know it seems like every mans fantasy with two women. Two different personalities, how do you handle that?"
Jaya: You going about it in the wrong way nephew. I mean look at me, married to two women in the same group. Lisa is my....she's my spark! I know with her anything is possible. And Tionne she's the calm I need to survive. She's chill down to earth and nothing phases her unless it has to do with me or lisa. But don't get it twisted, both of them are crazy, just in different ways. The ways I need them to be. Don't think about the differences in the two of them. Think about the feeling you have when the three of you are together. How do they make you feel when yall are together?

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