Chapter 7

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I'm sorry Ms. Jackson (oh), I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times


"The fuck are you doing here, Nela?" "I came to see the baby. You've been ignoring me, then you blocked me so I had to come see." "I have been ignoring you because your claims have no evidence. Now get out." "You can't keep me from my child Dinah and I'm getting a test." "What child, you delusional fuck? We had sex with a condom one time, I find out the next week I am already pregnant. So how can you come in here demanding a damn thing. You must have been hit too hard during a football game because something is not clicking in that big ass head of yours. It was a weak, and I do mean weak, moment."

As if it couldn't get any worse Ken walks in. The two of them stared each other down. "How you feeling?" Ken asked. "Irritated." He washed his hands before grabbing Zoey. "The fuck is this?" "This is her father. Can't you see the resemblance?" I guess that set his ass off so he stormed out. Good riddance. "Where is Mani?" "I sent her home to sleep in a real bed and get a proper shower. I can handle the baby for a few hours. She sleeps most of the time anyway." "If you wouldn't mind, can I spend the day with y'all when you do go home? I can bring you home and spend some time with her." "I'll think about it."

Around 2:30 Mani and Mama Drea walked in with food. "There you are my lady." "Thank you babe." "How are you feeling, baby?" "I'm good, mama. They finally let me shower so I definitely feel a lot better now." "Kenneth surprised to see you." "Hello Mrs. Hamilton." She went over and looked at Zoey. "Oh my god! Hello sweetheart!" "Say hi grandma." Mani said rubbing her head. "You can have my seat, Mrs. Hamilton."

"Did you bring her car seat for that test?" "Shit I knew I forgot something." "I have one in my truck. What kind of test?" "It's to see if we know how to hook her in securely as well as making sure her breathing remains stable." "That's not too bad, let me run down and get it." The moment the door closed. "I'm shocked y'all let the man in the room." Mama Drea said. "I guess I mean he is her father." "He asked if he could take us home and spend some time with her." "I don't see a problem with that." "Mani." "Later, babe. Enjoy the moment."

"Do you know that bastard showed up here demanding to see her. I shut that down especially when baby daddy walked in." "Dumbass." "Watch the language around my grand baby." "Sorry." The nurses knocked and came right in when Ken came back. "That's a beautiful car seat. Did you get it customized." One nurse asked. "Nah, this was the design. I bought it to go with the theme of her room, plus it has great reviews." It really was nice. It was black with pink and red flowers.

"Alright mom you can go ahead and place her in the seat." She always cries so softly, but the moment she went in that seat it was a wrap. "Wanna make sure it's not too tight. Especially around the navel." "I'm sorry princess. We'll blame this all on daddy." Mani said adjusting everything before hooking it. The nurses waited a few before checking everything and giving their approval. "Alrighty she is good to go. Y'all should be ready to be discharged by tomorrow." "Thank you." "Come here mamas. It's okay." It's like Mani has a spell on her. She'll calm down real quick, and fall asleep even quicker when she's in her arms. "Don't listen to mommy it was all the nurses,baby girl." Her little lip trembled. "See what you did." Mani said playfully shielding her. "She might be hungry. Look how she trying to attack your chest." Breastfeeding is getting easier by the day. It hurt like hell the first time though. Getting her latched she calmed down and stirred up at me. "Get use to those two baby girl, that's their craziness all the time." "Hey!" Mani pouted. "Ay Mi Corazón." Ken grabbed his chest. "I'm coming to join you Elizabeth." "See what I mean."

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