☆The Gang's All Here☆

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Wooyoung stared at the man in disbelief. He hadn't changed, save for the freshly dyed pink hair. His charming mannerisms, his bewitching face, that infamous smirk. It was all there. "What are you doing here?"

The older man shrugged at him, tilting his head to the side with a sly grin. The things that look would do to his heart... "I could say the same for you, Woo. You look nice by the way. I like the hair." Unconsciously, Wooyoung's hand travelled to hide his light purple locks, while he couldn't help but glower in San's direction.

Jongho's eyes squinted towards the man behind him. "And what about you?" He huffed towards the raven-haired headache in annoyance. "What are you doing here, Yeosang?"

"I didn't know you were moving in here Jongho, trust me." Jongho lifted his brow at that and finally pushed the older man off.

"Why should I believe that?" He spat. "Why are you two really here? Just to rub your relationship in our faces? I won't have it!"

"Jongie-'' San pulled Yeosang back, his eyes signalling him to keep quiet. He stepped forward, hardly phased by the harsh glare in Jongho's gaze when he spoke.

"Two of the dorm buildings flooded over the holidays so we had to move out," He explained, arms crossed and stare downcasted, making Jongho feel smaller with every word he spoke. "This was the best option for us to take on short notice. See? We didn't follow you and we're not here because we want to be. I know it's shocking, but the world doesn't revolve around you, Jongho." The brunette pressed his lips together, clenching his first while keeping intense eye contact with the older man.

"Stop it you two," Yeosang pleaded, stepping between them. The youngest's eyes travelled over to him, his expression softening almost instantly. Though he was done glaring, Jongho was still riled beyond belief. So before he said something he knew he would regret, he pushed past both of them and stormed off to his room.

Wooyoung wasn't far behind him yet went stiff when someone grabbed his arm. "Wooyoung," San's voice was soft, caring - he didn't trust it. So Wooyoung brushed him off.

"I hope you two settle in nicely," He whispered, before slinking off with Jongho.


In times like this, Hongjoong went where he always did when he was stressed. The coffee shop. Why? It was relaxing, there was free wifi, and he was able to ignore all his problems by downing caffeine like it was alcohol. He sat in the furthest part of the shop to avoid bothering anyone with his groggy state and simply laid his head down to rest.

It was quiet. Just the way he liked it. Because the students at KQ used coffee like it was a drug, many shops, this one, in particular, Café Mist, were open 24/7 to cater to just about anyone's needs.

A familiar barista with orange hair, bright eyes and a lovely smile came over. "Hey, Mingi..." Hongjoong practically slurred, not bothering to lift his head from the table. The taller man chuckled at him and sat down, gently stroking Hongjoong's soft locks with a grin. Don't let his immense size fool you. Although Mingi dwarfed most people around him, he really was a sweetheart. A gentle giant, if you will.

"Stressed, Joongie?" He asked, tilting his head. Hongjoong only shrugged at him. "Wanna talk about it? If it's about that project we got, I can help you out with it. I know you've got a lot on your plate." Hongjoong found himself grinning, even in his distressed state.

He finally leaned back up and sent Mingi a smile. "You're so sweet," he sighed. "It's not that. I finished the beats for that long ago. It's...my new roommate..."

Hongjoong stopped himself mid-sentence when Mingi interrupted him with a gasp, saying he had something to show him. Waiting in anticipation, the smile remained on the blunette's face when the redhead pulled a silver key out of his pocket. "Surprise!" He exclaimed. "I just got the key before work! We'll be roommates again!"

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