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One week. One. Whole. Week. That was how long they were forced to spend together. So what happened in those final few days of lockdown? Well...

Jongho was locked outside by Seonghwa after he broke the sink, releasing an entire waterfall into the kitchen, which he was later forced to fix after Mingi found him shivering in the rain for twenty minutes.

An entire day was dedicated to Mario Kart, with Yunho winning nearly every round, ultimately resulting in an official chart being made in the form of a pyramid. The top was labelled 'Mario Kart King' with Yunho's face next to it and 'The rat who couldn't stay on the damn track ' where Hongjoong's face sat, no matter how salty the blueberry was about it.

Wooyoung, San, Mingi and Hongjoong were tasked with cooking for one night... enough said.

In terms of less interesting events, after their fight, Wooyoung and Jongho unofficially switched rooms or at least stopped sleeping together. Wooyoung had moved into San's bed, basically kicking Yeosang out where he found solace in Jongho's, even if they weren't dozing with one another at night.

Seonghwa was banished to the couch, seemingly indefinitely, only allowed in his room if Hongjoong wasn't already there. Even then Hongjoong took the extra step in locking the door if he so much as went to the bathroom, leaving the older student to fend for himself.

The only ones not amid turmoil were Mingi and Yunho, who only seemed to grow more fond of each other as the days carried on. Both a blessing and a curse but unless it was Hongjoong or Jongho, none of the others paid their newly found romance any mind. A miracle as they felt no need to pester them for details but a hex in the fact that they also didn't care to respect their privacy when the two were alone.

All in all, everyone couldn't wait to get out of that wretched building

The last person Wooyoung expected to ever spend his time with again was San. Neither of them had any classes due to the campus being an absolute wreck from the storm.

They sat across from each other at Café Mist. The usual buzz of the building had died down, at least for the day, as more students were focused on catching up on lost assignments rather than enjoying a hot latte. The establishment was rather barren as a result, leaving only the two ex-lovers and a few stragglers as its inhabitants.

As much as Wooyoung would have rather been with Jongho, it was clear the brunette wasn't going to be speaking to him for a while.

"Don't get so hung up on him, Woo." Said San, a smug look on his face after seeing the dissatisfaction of the other with his friend. "You know he's not worth your time."

"And what? You are?" It was San's idea to go out and Wooyoung only came along for a free coffee. So he took the extra liberty of ignoring almost all of his advances by staring at his phone.

San rolled his eyes at this childish behaviour, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed. "If you don't want to see me, why are you here?"

"To get a free drink, duh." His attitude clearly wasn't appreciated by the older, which Wooyoung was well aware of. After all, all his actions were deliberate. Did he get a kick out of irritating his ex, seeing him angry and red in the face? Of course. In fact, he lived for it.

San, however, knew this. He was well aware of Wooyoung's efforts to upset him and wouldn't play into them. "Jesus fucking christ, Wooyoung." Or, at least he'd try not to play into them. "I'm trying to be nice here but you're making it so difficult!" But goddamn was Wooyoung hard to be around when he was in a bad mood.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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