☆Pity Party☆

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"Huh?" The teen snapped his head up, blinking himself back to reality only to be faced with Mrs Ahn's concerned expression. The therapist sighed and placed her clipboard down on her lap then crossed her legs. You knew she was serious when she put that thing down.

"That's the third time today that you've zoned out. Is there something on your mind?" Jongho sighed, slumping in his chair. He supposed it was her job to talk to him but that didn't mean he wanted to say anything. "You don't have to say if it makes you uncomfortable. We can always come back to it later."

Shit, now he had to say it. "My boyfriend..." He muttered, much to the therapist's surprise. Jongho never really spoke much during their sessions. It was more so her asking questions and him refusing to answer. So she was shocked he even bothered to utter a word this time around. "We haven't been talking as much recently. There are a lot of rumours going around that I'm sleeping with his friend. It's all really dumb but I can tell he's frustrated."

"I see... and have you spoken to him about it?"

Jongho just shrugged, a light groan escaping his lips as he adjusted himself in his seat to sit properly. "I've tried! But he just brushes me off. Either that or he just decides to take it out on me..." That was when he realised he had said too much as Mrs Ahn's face quickly grew concerned. "No no no! Nothing like that! S-Sex! It's just sex..."

"T-Take it out on me however you want..."


"Take it out on me. Use me to feel better. I don't mind, really..."

God, he felt so stupid for saying that and Yeosang went through with it... not a drop of hesitation.

It was embarrassing to say aloud. To everyone else, he was a virgin, not even his parents knew he had taken that step in his relationship with Yeosang. Minus Wooyoung, that is, but it was primarily because he knew the type of person his boyfriend was. So it was no surprise that Mrs Ahn seemed so shocked.

Yet there was a level of shame to admitting it to someone by his own will, especially to someone he wasn't close with. "Jongho..." The woman started carefully, earning only a hum of dismay from him. "When I asked you if he had ever touched you in a way that made you uncomfortable... were you telling the truth?"

Despite how uneasy Jongho may have come across about the subject, he still nodded, slowly and seemingly unsure. "Yeah. He's never done anything without my permission but... I guess I just don't really say no."

"So you don't like it?"

"W-Well... I mean... I didn't say that." He felt trapped and couldn't find a way to respond that didn't make his boyfriend seem awful. "I-I never push him away s-so..."

"You're stuttering." God, she was being persistent today. Judging by the lack of progress they had made, it was only fair that she was a little frustrated but why did that have to be at Jongho's expense? "I know it's hard but you need to be honest with me. If he's hurting you then-"

"But he's not!" Jongho was growing tired of this and fast. Yeosang was great. He treated him well and he loved him, he was sure of that. If she didn't believe him, it didn't matter. "I still don't even know why I'm here. All you do is pester me about things that are literally none of your business! How the hell are you even supposed to help me?"

Mrs Ahn put down her clipboard when Jongho stood to his feet, rising as well to stop him from going. "Jongho, please, we were making good progress today! If we could just talk a little longer then maybe-"

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