☆I can't believe I was yours☆

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A crisp breeze blew through the early morning streets of the KQ campus. It was Jongho's first day of class. His hand gripped at his backpack straps, nervously tugging at them for some sort of comfort. Yet again, he was starting from the bottom. Only now, he had experience. He knew better than to trust the first friendly face he met. Or else he'd make the same mistake.

"Oh, you must be a freshman!" Jongho glanced up at the voice greeting him. He had no clue how he didn't notice earlier, but one of the older students had come and sat down next to him. A cute one too.

"O-Oh yeah, I am..."

"No need to be nervous," The older teen chuckled, a smile curling on his lips. "I won't bite, I promise. My name is Yeosang."

Jongho shook the memory out of his head. He refused to think about that. Why waste time longing for a scene that should mean nothing to him now? After all, he moved on. He told himself he did and he refused to waste any more of his energy on thoughts regarding that man.

With a new level of determination, he marched into the course. It wasn't a large room, compared to the massive lecture hall he was expecting. Rather, it was the size of your average classroom but it was cosy and he found himself liking the atmosphere more than he thought he would. Jongho placed himself towards the back of the room since he wasn't too keen on drawing attention to himself.

Unfortunately for him, someone else had the same idea as well. "Jongho?"

He sucked in a harsh breath. Of course, he had to be here. Jongho did nothing but glare at Yeosang when the older student attempted to sit down next to him. "Couldn't you find somewhere else to sit?"

"All the other seats are taken." Sure enough, the room had been filled with students and every chair was indeed occupied. Jongho groaned at this. He supposed he would just have to suck it up for now. The lesson started with no conflict. They got a rundown of the properties of a camera and a brief test of their overall knowledge. Towards the end, they were each given a list of words and were told to photograph something relating to them. All was well until the professor started pairing them together.

Fate was not on his side when he announced: "Kang Yeosang and...Choi Jongho'' as partners. The two made direct eye contact, a mistake Jongho had yet to learn from. It was so sudden but he was suddenly hit by a harsh wave of memories. One right after the other just because of a simple stare. Those eyes could take him across the galaxy if they so desired, and it left Jongho with a single thought in his head:

I can't believe I was yours

-ˋˏ *.·:·.⟐.·:·.* ˎˊ-

"Do you know why you're here?" The woman asked him. The hands of the clock ticked in the background, making Jongho feel how slowly time was truly passing. He tapped his foot with the sound of secondhand, his hands clasped together as if they were holding his anxieties for dear life.

"B-Because my parents s-sent me..." His therapist, Mrs Ahn, nodded at him, scribbling something down on her clipboard. Jongho had the uncomfortable feeling he would have to watch her do that every time he so much as chose to blink.

"I was told that you are having issues with your boyfriend. Is this correct?" When Jongho shook his head at her, she seemed unconvinced. "Why do you say that?"

"Everything is fine between us. He loves me and I love him." She wrote that down as well. Why? Jongho had no clue. If you asked him, this was all a waste of time. He and his boyfriend had a perfectly healthy relationship.

"Is there an age gap between you two?"

"Not really. He's only about a year older than me. He's a senior now."

Eight Lovers, One HouseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz