Chapter 3: Space Mountain

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Here’s chapter 3.

Disneyland © Disney…I guess

Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega


After our long and extremely awkward tram ride, we got off right in Downtown Disney. The park was just up ahead.

“I’m so excited! Amy, where are the tickets?” I dug through my purse and handed the 4 tickets off to Rouge.

“Don’t lose them bat girl.” Rouge glared at Knuckles for a moment before walking ahead of him. We went through the baggage check or purse check security thing- whatever it’s called- and headed to the main gate. We decided to pick the shortest line, which had about ten people in it, and started waiting. I was standing by Shadow, while Rouge was on the other side of Knuckles. We stood patiently in line, and then tried to make pleasant conversation.

“So, Miss Rose, may I ask our plan of attack?” Shadow questioned me. I thought for a minute before looking over to Rouge and Knuckles. Knuckles shrugged, by Rouge spoke up.

“I say we go towards Space Mountain first. That line will be the longest.” I nodded to Rouge in agreement. Space Mountain was probably the best bet. We scanned our tickets and walked in.

“To Space Mountain then!” Knuckles declared. We ran off toward the ride, unable to control our excitement.


We walked up through the line entrance and into the rest of the queue. It wasn’t truly that crowded in line, so I guess most people went to the other park instead of Disneyland. It was about a 30 minute wait. Being bored and impatient, Rouge decided to pass the time in the most unpleasant way.

“I know! Let’s play truth or dare! If anyone says no, they don’t ride Space Mountain.” I looked to Shadow, who just glared at Rouge for her previous statement. Knuckles was glaring at her too. “Alright, since I made the wonderful suggestion, I get to go first. Hmmm, Knuckles! Truth or dare?” He shook his head at her then answered her stupid question.

“Dare me, bat girl.” Rouge looked around for a minute before coming up with an idea.

“Knuckles, go sit in the flowerbed in the center for 3 minutes!” Shadow and I chuckled at Rouge’s dare. I guess Shadow thought it was kinda stupid, but I thought it wasn’t bad. Knuckles jumped the chain and walked toward the center of the line. He climbed up over the little wall and sat in between 2 bushes. He pulled his knees to his chest and placed his arms on them. He stayed there for about one minute before some lady who worked there came along.

“Excuse me sir, but can you please not sit in the flowerbed?” Knuckles pulled his head up to look at her.

“No, ma’am, I have to. It’s pretty comfy,” Knuckles snapped back at her. She wasn’t very happy with that.

“Sir, you’re not allowed to sit there.”

“Well you’re not allowed to stand there.”

“Sir! Please move!”

“You move!” This went on for another minute before the lady called security. The guards came out and dragged Knuckles out of the flowerbed. Rouge got a little concerned at this and called them over, but Shadow and I were laughing our heads off. I was holding my gut practically crying it was so funny. The security guard dragged Knuckles over to us.

“Does he belong to you 3?” Rouge tensed up a bit at the guard’s voice.

“Y-yes sir, he does.” The security guard through Knuckles back to us, and Rouge caught him before he hit the ground. She was hanging onto his arms while he was hanging onto hers.

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