Chapter 18: The Parade & Fireworks

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18! This chapter is my favorite so far :)


Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega

Disneyland & When You Wish Upon a Star © Disney


Amy's P.O.V.

I smiled up at Shadow.

"Really Shadow? That's so sweet." He blushed and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess. Anyways, we're off to the parade! Lead the way, Miss Rose." I giggled as he took my hand and I lead him to the little candy shop on Main Street. I avoided colliding with people and critters as we maneuvered our way to Rouge and her boyfriend. I walked out of Frontierland and into the main circle, right in front of the big pink castle. There were several security guards telling us which way to go by waving their little light-sticks around. So I started to turn right toward the candy shop. But a security guard stopped me.

"Sorry miss, you can't go that way. It's blocked for the parade."

"Well I don't see a parade. My friends are right over there, and I'm just trying to-" I started to walk forward, but the lady stopped me again.

"Sorry ma'am, but no one can go through there. It's blocked for the parade." I huffed.

"Then what way am I supposed to go?" The lady pointed her flashlight the other direction.

"Any way but this one, miss," the lady said. I growled. Shadow squeezed my hand and tugged lightly on me, as if asking me not to stir up trouble. I listened to him and walked away, still staring the lady down. I turned to Shadow.

"You should've just let me get to her! Ugh, she pissed me off!" I said. Shadow's eyes widened.

"Rose, your language… Jeez, I really need to keep my mouth shut. You need to watch your mouth," Shadow told me. I looked down quietly.

"Yeah, I know. I'll try to keep my mouth shut," I said quietly. Shadow lifted my chin up to face him. I was met with a warm smile. Shadow leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

"That's my girl. Now c'mon, lets find another way to get to the candy shop." He looked around for a minute before grinning mischievously. "I think I've got an idea." He tugged me toward some bushes around the candy store. He nodded to them. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" I smirked and laughed.

"Oh yes." He waved a hand toward the bush.

"After you, Ames." I climbed in through the bush and toward the bright lights of the candy shop, with Shadow close behind. I fit myself through the branches in the bush and tried not to get anything in my hair. Hey, my hair is important!

I jumped out when the candy shop was closest. Shadow followed me closely and came out right after I did.

"Well, that worked better than I expected. Let's find Knuckles and Rouge," Shadow said. I nodded and followed him closely. I soon spotted the duo sitting on a curb, flirting with one another. Shadow sat down next to them and motioned me over. I grinned and sat next to him and leaned on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his cheek on top of my head. Rouge turned to us and literally jumped. Knuckles looked confused when he saw us.

"Uh, how long have you two been there?" Knuckles asked. Rouge mouthed something to Shadow, which Shadow shook his head at. She stomped her foot on the asphalt street. I looked up at Shadow.

"What did she ask you?" Shadow bit his lip and shook his head.

"Nothing Rose." I nodded and turned to Knuckles, all while sitting in Shadow's arms.

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