Chapter 40

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Percy's POV

Order thrust a blast of white energy at me. Without even thinking about it, a blue shield of energy appears in front of me. It's a fight of wills, neither wanting to give an inch.

"You can't beat me, Jackson, " Order says triumphantly. Slowly but surely, Order's white energy destroys my shield. Just as I'm about to be overcome, I find myself being gently shaken awake.

Bianca sits on the side of my bed, being the one who woke me up. She's already dressed in black jeans, a silver thumb hole t-shirt, and a dark blue floppy hat on her head. Her long black hair is braided over her left shoulder.

"I could get used to this, waking up every morning to see my angel," I smile at her and brush her cheek gently.

Her cheeks turn a subtle shade of pink before she leans down to kiss me. "Come on Percy, it's time for you to get up. Reyna and Amphitrite need to see you."

I wrack my brains for what I could have done wrong, so bad that those two would want to see me. Did I forget mother's day again? That was not pretty when I did before. "Yeah, sure. Ummm, would you mind leaving so I can get dressed?"

"Percy, you're practically a primordial strength wise. Just summon your own clothes."

"Oh yeah, right."

I summoned my clothes and then rolled out of bed fully dressed. Bianca smiles and I wrap my arm around her shoulder. She leans her head on my shoulder. We head down the stairs together and into the small room that is the command center on the first floor.

Reyna and Amphitrite sit at the brown business table. Amphitrite is reading through a few papers while Reyna seems to be writing one of her reports for the primordial counsel. They both looked up when we walked in.

"Sit down, Percy, Bianca," Reyna says tiredly. For the first time I notice the large purple bags under her dark eyes. Her rigid posture is ever so slightly slumped. My mom looks a little better, but not by much. I can tell she misses Hydros. She has smaller bags under her eyes.

Bianca and I take two seats across from them. "What did you need?" I ask.

The two women exchange a glance. "There's something we need to tell you," Reyna begins cautiously.

"Yes?" I ask, wondering why they are taking so long.

Amphitrite's face grows grim, and she turns to look at Reyna. They seemed to have a silent conversation. I'm not that good at reading emotions or faces, but it seems to go like this.

Amphitrite: we shouldn't tell him.

Reyna: he needs to be prepared.

Amphitrite: the news would paralyze anyone. Reyna, we can't.

Reyna: he is strong, he can handle it.

Amphitrite: last time the goose pooped on the duck...

I'm not quite sure about that one.

Reyna: fine.

"Umm, Percy, we think it would be best for you to take some time off before the war. Relax, get away from camp," Amphitrite begins.

"But don't I have to help with war preparations? The war is coming," I protest.

Reyna gives Amphitrite a look that says, I told you so. "We're giving Bianca off along with you. Go on a date, relax," Reyna urges.

"But I need to stay and help. What if an attack happens while we're away?" I protest. My fatal flaw of loyalty makes it hard for to leave my friends in times of danger.

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