Its an idea

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*Krystal POV*

Me and Dylan are still making out in the middle of the mall its been like 10 minutes I was starting to wonder where Jacob and alexis were, but at the same time I didn't care because me and alexis were leaving today.. Sadly...

All of a sudden someone taps on my sholder, I didn't wasn't to break the kiss so I didn't then I head them clear their throat, I stoked the kiss and turned around to see my English teacher,, Mrs.Ruggiano. R: hey Krystal where have you been you've missed like 5 days of school!?
M: I've been with my boyfriend because I went to his concert and someone stole my battery so I could leave. R: concert ??? So your " boyfriend" is famous who is he. Justin Bieber???? M: no his name is Dylan and I hate your class its fucking stupid your to loud and annoying and we are leaving so bye. And with that me and Dylan left .

We didn't know where Jacob and alexis so we just went out to the car, turns out that's were they were.

*fast forward to back at the venue*

*Dylan's POV*

Krystal and alexis are leaving in an hour. I don't want them to leave because idk what I'm going to do not being able to see Krystal for god knows how long!

*Jacobs POV *


*Lexi's POV *
We are leaving today...we have to. I absolutely 100% don't want to leave, if I was 18 I would stay here, not leave. I would spend the rest of my life with Jacob ... WAIT THATS IT!!!! "JACOB!"

*Jacob POV*

I was talk to Dylan about the girls leaving today.. Not excited might I add. "JACOB!" I heard Lexi scream, I didn't know what was wrong so I ran over as fast as I could, completely out of breath "WHATS WRONG WHAT HAPPENED!!" L: "nothing happened but I did think of something that might make it so we don't have to leave!" Her saying this caught Dylan and Krystal's attention because they came towards us. K: "did I hear that right? There's a way we don't have to leave." L: yes but it's kind of strange because of the fact that we are kind of young but it might work." "WHAT IS IT ALREADY HAHA" we all said in unison. Lexi just laughed. She had the cutest laugh I could help but smile when I heard it. L: here it goes like I said it's strange at such a young age but what if we got married, now before you say anything let me finish. I'm only saying this because I'm 17 and Krystal is 18 but I could get emancipated if I needed to this way I'll be considered an adult so then we could legally get married , everything is worth a shot." We all just stood there in shock or something like that. D: I think this is something that we all need to think about .

*Krystal POV*

Honestly I loved the idea I want to live my life with Dylan I absolutely love him even though I haven't know him that long but I honestly like the idea

*Dylan POV*

I would love to marry Krystal, but I think it might be a little too soon and we don't have much time to decide. Either way the girls have to leave tonight, being married would just make it so we don't have to wait as long to see them again. I'm really starting to warm up to the idea.

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