How Does He Know My Name

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We walk into the venue and my heart just stops when I see Dylan Jacob sierra and grant all standing there taking picture and having conversations with them I didn't know what to think I was so nervous my palms are sweating and its just at a loss of breath. Just then dylan looked over at the mind of girls waiting to meet him Jacob Grand Sierra and caught I contact with me we stayed like that for a few seconds until another girl came up to him and gave him a hug causing us to break eye contact. Alexis must have notice because she turned to me and said "he defiantly has got a thing for you I saw that" what are you talking about  someone as perfect as him would never like me" "idk just remember he follows me on twitter"" so what does that have to do with anything?""just wait" I didn't say anything back  because now I feel like I was going to throw up what she just told me made me even more nervous which i didn't think was possible.

It was finally our turn, the line up went, Jacob,sierra,grant, and Dylan. Ale is was up first she saw Jacob and was about in tears and he hugged her and whispered something in her ear, I didn't catch what he said but then she moved on to sierra who sent has already met so it didn't really case her she got to grant and she was fine they got picture then....she got to Dylan... 

I was watching her with Dylan and they hugged and got a cute picture what made me nervous is alexis whispered something into Dylan's ear and then he looked over at me and smile one of his million dollar smiles .I smiled back and bit my lower lip and looked at the ground. Now I'm up I go to Jacob and I give him a bit warm hug and he says he loves me and we got a picture but while I was walking toward sierra Jacob say good luck which made me very confused. I got through sierra and grant just fine but this was it I as about to meet the Dylan Joseph Holland I had no words nothing could express how I was feeling. I walk up to Dylan shaking like crazy and I think he noticed because when I got up to him he immediately  hugged me and says "its okay you don't need to be nervous around me I love you Krystal"  all I could think of was the way he said my name it was smooth like butter ."I love you to Dylan ,how do you know my name though not that I'm complaining"" all I can say is you have amazing friends that know me " I got a picture with Dylan and as was about to walk over to alexis Dylan stops me by grabbing my arm.  Without saying anything he hands me an envelope that say. *Here I don't know if I'm aloud to do this but here you goDylan*
Sorry its short hopefully I will get used to this and the chapters will get longer I promise

another cliffhanger sorry guys and what do you think is in the envelope comment what you think ♥♥ you

Alexis's twitter:@alexishoague

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