005 | Quirk Test

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That was the emotion hanako could only think of. Why? Because most of the test requires no need for her deflect quirk. She had to do most of the test without using her quirk.

Out of eight test, she could activate her quick with only three. The rest are only by her own strength and stamina, her quirk is practically useless in this test.

"Sensei, is it okay if i use my clothes?", hanako asked aizawa. Aizawa didn't show his puzzled feeling at hanako's peculiar question.

"As long as it has something to do with your quirk, go for it"

For the 50 meter dash, Hanako decided to use her gym shirt. She was about to take off her uniform but halted her action once she noticed her competitor -----weird grape looking boy---- eyeing intensely at her.

She sweat dropped, knowing where this was going. Without caring the boy, she took off her gym uniform and to the grape boy disappointment--- hanako wasn't wearing a sport bra or a tank top, she was wearing a long sleeved shirt.

"Why is a cute girl like you wearing a grandma shirt?!", the grape boy complained.

Hanako gasp in betrayal, "Grandma shirt? this is a heat provided shirt "

A fluffy pink haired girl with horns pointed a finger at her, "What the-- why are you wearing an electric heated shirt?? It's not autumn or winter"

"I can't help it, i always feel cold so i have to dress warmly unless it's summer"

Aizawa sigh, "stop chatting and get on with the test. Don't waste time"

Hanako grabbed the sleeves of the gym uniform with both of her hands and raised it up to her chest level.
As soon as Aizawa said begin, her eyes went bronze and the said coloured lines appears on the outline of the uniform she was holding, 'Go!'

The shirt was pushed forward at a fast speed and hanako clench her teeth at how fast she was going, her grip threatening to falter but she still held on. She finished in 4.7 seconds but not without having a rough landing.

'Seems like she have a good grasp in what to do with her deflect quirk. The only problem is she's clumsy in executing it.... though if she does perform well, there's no telling if her luck quirk will leave her alone', aizawa took a mental note.

Afterwards, hanako could no longer depend on her quirk to face the upcoming trials besides two trials. With the trial of long distance jump, she could use the tactic she did earlier again.

The only test which could give her a huge amount of points for her evaluation is non other than the soft ball throw, she could use her deflect quirk to throw the ball as far as she could if she used up her whole energy.

She won't be holding back now.

Hanako took a deep breath as it was her turn to throw the ball.

First, she lazily threw the ball in the air and as soon as the ball was inches away from dropping on her face, her purple-grey eyes changed to bronze and the ball immediately went flying in the air, leaving a trail of wind.

Aizawa showed her height score, 809.0 m.

The student going after her-----a brunette who was stepping into the circle let out a gasp once she saw hanako's face,
"wah!a-are you okay??"

"Pardon my blood~", Hanako smiled, blood coming out from her eyes--- shocking some of her classmates as she goes back to her spot, unfortunately bakugou was beside her.

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