He asks you out on a date(2/2)

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Luke: you sat criss cross on the bathroom floor of your cabin. it was about 4 am and you were IMing with Luke. "i miss you so much Luke." You whispered, you couldn't quite keep the pain out of your voice, no matter how hard you tried. Luke's face crumpled. "i miss you too (y/n)" his hand reached out, as if to touch your face but his touch made the connection go fuzzy. he sighed and dropped his hand. he looked up and there was a wild kind of excitement in his eyes. "Would you sneak out of camp to see me?" He asked. "now?!" You smiled wide, just like Luke to suggest something like that. "yeah now, I'll be there in 15 minutes tops." you blew him a kiss and disconnected, trying to think of a way past the harpies.

Conner: "so my family, they do this Christmas party thing every year. and, ya know, sense you like Christmas so much.." he looked up at you with those sparkling eyes and that mischievous grin. "are you inviting me to meet your family?" Your cheeks were flaming. "I-I guess I am" he chuckled. you threw your arms around his neck. he held you very, very close and inhaled deeply. "Conner I'd love too."

Travis: "have you ever heard of the butterfly garden?" Travis asked you. you looked at him funny. "no, what's that?" You asked. He smiled, mischief glistening in his eyes "it's this place in Massachusetts, you'd love it. I liked it as a little kid." He smiled wide, and got that look in his eye, the one where he's about to get a crazy idea. "Butterfly garden," you mused "sounds pretty." He kissed your hair and pulled you close. "this weekend, you and me, were gonna take a rode trip." he grinned crazily and you grinned back.

Octavian: Octavian stormed into the room and slammed the door behind him. he glanced at you, sitting in your bunk reading, then back at the door. you smirked and wiggled your fingers in a hello at him. "Stop doing that." he barked. you giggled "doing what?" You asked innocently. "acting like you're superior to me." he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. you sauntered up to him getting up on tip toe to to whisper in his ear. "you know it's always so good to see you Octavian. I missed you." When you backed off his face was bright red. "You've distracted me." he growled. "I seem to do that to you a lot yeah?" You said absently, picking at your nails. "The party, in new Rome, my father demands I have a date."
you blinked hard, your usual bravado around Octavian was suddenly gone. "Me?" You squeaked. Octavian smiled and ran his fingers through his short blonde hair. you thought you almost caught genuine kindness in his eyes. "yes you" he whispered, you nodded, eyes wide, cheeks flaming. "see you tomorrow at 8 then." he kissed your nose, and then he was gone.

Bekendorf: "where are you from, your accent, it's amazing." he asked. he took both of your hands in one of his big warm ones. you giggled and blushed. "I actually lived in England before my dad came to bring me here." Charles grinned wide, his smile was infectious. You leaned into his shoulder and gripped his hand tight. "so you've never seen New York?" He asked. You shook your head "never." He leaned down and kissed your temple. "that's it," he declared. "were taking the day off camp tomorrow, and you're going to see New York."

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