First date (2/2)

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Luke: there he was, blonde hair and pale scar. "Luke!" You yelled. He sprinted towards you, his arms were around you in an instant and you were drinking it all in, his breathing on your neck, his smell, the feel of his big muscular arms, your face against his warm chest. "Let's go" he said suddenly and pulled on your hand. his voice, even though you'd just heard it 10 minutes ago seemed so different in person. So wonderfully different "Where are we going?" You asked "I don't know yet." he replied. Luke was like that, always doing what he pleased, you loved that about him. You ended up just wandering around the country side until the sun began to rise, and you had no choice but to leave him.

Conner: and so you were seated among the Stoll family. Conner on one side gripping your hand and Travis on the other laughing moronically about Conner bringing his "girlfriend" home. Conners mother kept fussing over you, and his step father kept poking fun at you, and two of his uncles were drunk, and you had never been happier. you had never had a real family or done real family things and it felt so good to finally be able to do so. you leaned into Conners shoulder and closed your eyes, Warmed by the hot cocoa and the silly Christmas sweater Conner had given you that morning. This is what happiness felt like.

Travis: the ride to Massachusetts was long, and boring but Travis holding your hand while he was driving made the whole thing worth it. and the garden was just amazing, all the butterflies gravitated towards you, being the daughter of Persephone and all. and Travis let you drag him around and listened intently as you told him what each and every butterflies name was and where in the world they lived. you'd never done anything half as fun. After you left Travis took you to a quiet little diner by the beach and you leaned against him surrounded by a happy warmth that you always seemed to get around Travis.

Octavian: you sat in front of a mirror staring at yourself, trying to get the glare just perfect. what Octavian had done, making you blush and..oh gods. it was enough that you were going on a date with him, you refused to act sweet like that again. You forgot that the second Octavian showed up looking absolutely dashing in his suit and tie, almost the exact same color as your midnight blue dress. "you look beautiful," he said and shyly reached for your hand. you smirked in usual fashion "I suppose you look handsome as well." he sighed and looked at the floor. "Maybe we could call a trues, at least just for tonight?" He said, there was a hint of desperation in his voice that you just couldn't resist. you nodded your head and grasped his hand more firmly. That night you and Octavian talked, and danced, and laughed. and when he kissed you that night all intentions of ending this trues were gone.

Bekendorf: the city of New York was huge and confusing. Almost intimidating. but Charles could make anything seem cozy and inviting. as a daughter of hades you never though you would smile so much around any one person. Charles payed special attention to your needs, regularly asking if you were hungry or wanted a drink. maybe he was over bearing, you loved it. he made you try on a bright blue dress and told you you were beautiful before you could even complain. he made you feel like a princess and you wished the day would never have to come to an end

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