First date (1/2)

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Percy: "Percy where are we going?" You asked. "My favorite place in the world" he replied. and so you knew you guys where heading towards the beach. Percy pulled a picnic basket from behind a tree and blushed. "who are you and what did you do with Percy?" You asked. he blushed even brighter red and shook his head. "I had Hazel do it for me." he smiled sheepishly. You grinned and grabbed his hand. "it's the thought that counts."
You sat together in the sand, eating the food hazel made and talking. and you found that the son of posiden wasn't as stupid as everyone said. He was smart and funny, and you were falling fast.

Frank((I'm actually gonna do this one in his perspective)): I shook (y/n)'s shoulder gently "come on, we're here." I whispered. She lifted her head from my lap and rubbed her gorgeous eyes groggily. "first let me get you some coffee." I laughed and entwined our fingers. I pulled her down the street. She was hard to pull along really, she always wanted to stop and look at all the things we passed and everything in the store windows. When I finally got her to the cafe and she ordered her coffee she grinned beautifully at me, batting those pretty lashes. "Frank," she breathed, "this is amazing, you're amazing."

Leo: you pulled up to the movie theater "Leeooo, will you tell me what movie now?" You begged. "not a chance sweet thing." you groaned at his general stubbornness. 'tell me, why do I like this kid again?' You though. he opened your door for you, helping you down and kissing your hand. 'oh yeah, that's why' he tucked you under his arm and you smiled. "two tickets to see the reshowing of the lion king." Leo said. you squealed and grabbed his arm. "really?!" You yelled. "you're such a little kid (y/n)" he smiled warmly at you, every thing about Leo was warm, from his big warm eyes to his big warm hands that held yours gently. you got some pop corn and a large soda to share. you giggled as the movie started and you snuggled up to Leo and breathed in the smell of the forges, a place you'd come to adore, as it always included Leo. "thanks Leo, this is great." you whispered. "anything for you doll face." he whispered

Jason: you giggle and grabbed at Jason's arm "I'm dizzy." you giggled. he grabbed your hand and pulled you to a food stand. "what do you want?" He asked. "cotton candy." you replied immediately. he chuckled, you guys walked around, you with your cotton candy, him with his snow cone, each stealing the occasional bite from each other's treat. "Jason!" You suddenly exclaimed staring at the huge stuffed hello kitty. "you want it?" He handed the man 5 dollars and picked up a basketball. the ball sunk in on his first try and the man looked flabbergasted, but he handed Jason the hello kitty, who then handed it to you. you giggled and held it close. "how did you even do that?" You asked as you both walked away. "well it maybe might have possibly had something to do with the fact that I can control the winds" you both busted out laughing. "thanks Jason," you mumbled as you leaned into his shoulder

Percy Jackson preferences and one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora