first encounter (2/2)

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Luke: you sat on the ground hands gripping the sides of your head, you felt as if it might explode. a pair of big hands rested on your shoulders. you lashed out and your fist connected with someone's face. once you had realized what you'd done you immediately felt bad. you knelt next to the boy you had hit, he was rubbing his jaw "I'm so sorry" you whispered, tears silently trailed down your face. the boy you'd hit looked up at you his eyes were the most fantastic shade of blue you'd ever seen. for a moment you couldn't breathe. "it's okay" he flexed his jaw muscles stretching the scar under his eye. "come on, inside the boarders you'll be save. Chiron can explain this better than I can." the boy took your hand and led you down the hill toward the blue house in the valley.

Conner: "CONNER!" my sister Nyssa yelled, she ran after a tall blonde boy with elvish features. they were racing strait toward you. you screamed as the boy Conner grabbed you around the middle and hid behind you. Nyssa stopped in front of you and glared at Conner. she put her hands on her hips, "go ahead show her, show her what you took" she huffed. I turned around, Conner was looking at the ground with his hands in his pockets, looking like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar. "come on Conner, show me." you chided. he pulled one hand out of his pocket full of bright green and blue material, that you slowly realized was a bra, your bra to be exact. you started laughing and you didn't stop laughing until you were red in the face and tears were running down your cheeks. you took two or three deep breathes to calm yourself. "you worked hard for that, facing Nyssa's wrath." with that you walked away, laughing again

Travis: "that's the sword fighting arena over there, and that's the lake where we do canoeing. and that's the.." this went on for what seemed like forever but you couldn't bring yourself to listen to what this boy was saying. you're attention was on his sandy hair and the way the breeze blew it across his forehead, and the way his crystal eyes sparkled with mischief. and the way his lush lips moved while he spoke. finally you couldn't help yourself. "I'm sorry for interrupting" you said, "but what's your name?"
"oh" he laughed "my name is Travis"
you smiled, your favorite name was there anything you didn't like about this boy? "I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you" he smiled "you have a nice name" you giggled "thanks, I got it for my birthday" Travis rolled his eyes "real smart" he joked. you laughed.

Octavian: the wolves came to bring you to camp when you were 14, Reyna and Frank, the praetors, sent you off to Octavian, the arguer. what a thing for his parents to name him, you though. for a fleeting second you wondered if you should call him Augustus that was almost enough to make you laugh. and you almost laughed again, when you saw the "arguer" knelt in front a stone statue, knife over a stuffed bear. it was clear he'd heard you come in but he didn't turn. "uh hon, when you're done mauling stuffed animals, I need determination over here." you couldn't help it, the sarcastic comment just slid from your lips. the scrawny boy turned his pale blue eyes to you "if it were up to me I'd send you away immediately, but the gods would be angry with me" but you caught the bluff in his voice, his eyes roamed you shamelessly. you laughed, "alright, if you say so." you plucked a teddy bear from his belt. "for me?" you tugged his toga till his face was level with yours. by this point he was nearly spluttering with anger. you giggled and rubbed your nose to his in an Eskimo kiss. blush creeped up his neck and into his cheeks as you walked away from him, teddy bear in hand.

Bekendorf: It was your first summer at camp, and it was the fourth of july. everyone promised you the fireworks were always spectacular. you weren't too sure, so far camp hadn't been your favorite place, being a child of hades and all. you were seated far behind all the other campers on a small blanket. "mind if I join you?" a gruff voice asked. you looked up to find Bekendorf, one of the most well liked people in camp. "n-not at.. at all." you stammered. so he sat beside you, close beside you. "I'm Charles." he smiled and your heart nearly stopped. "I know" you answered. "I-I mean, I'm, uh, I'm (Y/N)" you weren't used to talking to people and it definitely showed, but Charles was patient and kind. you guys talked all night and after the fire works show, which was pretty amazing, he walked you to your cabin. you smiled at him at the door, thinking about how he was the only one to show you real kindness. you got up on your tippie toes and kisses his cheek. "thank you Charles." you whispered and disappeared into your cabin.

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