invasion of the ex's (1/2)

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Percy: "if she keeps staring at you I'm going to gut her." your voice was cold you were beyond angry. Percy laughed and nuzzled your hair. "I'm. not. kidding. Perseus. I'll end her." he was not phased by your anger "I'm sure you will baby" he said still chuckling. you glanced over your shoulder again and Annabeth was still throwing wistful glances your way. you gave her your best glare "Grover tried to get me to talk to her the other day" Percy said slowly, the topic of Annabeth was like a battle field, avoid land mines and you won't get your head blown off by the God of war. "I told him I wasn't interested, but he insisted. me and her got into an argument...she tried to kiss me." the last part was mumbled. your face turned red and your hands started to shake "baby I'm sorry" he whispered you looked at him and for a split second your head cleared "not you." you said and stood, marched over to Annabeth and sat down next to her. "I hear you like to put your lips where they don't belong." you whispered in her ear. she went red. "if you even look at him again I will end you, Annabeth Chase, no doubt about it." you stood and she sighed a breath of relief. "oh and one more thing" you smirked then bashed her in the side of the head with your first, she crumpled.

Frank: the coffee shop in new Rome had become a favorite place for you and  Frank you sat there every Friday night.
this was an average Friday you were talking and holding hands over the table, until Hazel walked in. Frank stiffened immediately and stopped talking. you knew how he felt about Hazel, you couldn't help but know, you were a daughter of Aphrodite. she had been his first love, it had only been a couple of months. the wound was still fresh. your mind flashed back to the night you'd found him. you brushed a stray tear from under his eye and tried to smile at him, a pathetic attempt. "(y/n), I am so sorry" he looked panicked, like he might cry more you slid out of your seat and his eyes went wide with fear. you slid into the seat next to him "it's okay Frank, I understand" you whispered he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your neck "I'm sorry"

Leo: 'this is really the girl you left me for?' 'she's pathetic' 'look at her hair' 'whats wrong with her' 'gods she's ugly.'
Calypso's words repeated in your head as you stood in front of the mirror. I wish Percy were here. you thought as a silent tear ran down your cheek he'd know what to do to make me feel better, he'd make calypso regret even thinking those things.
more tears fell. Leo had whispered sweet things, told you she was only bitter, that you were beautiful. but you could remember what Calypso looked like clearly, she had been flawless, you didn't compare. suddenly the door swung open and Leo stopped dead in his tracks taking in your red face and tears. he knew immediately, took you into his arms, shushed you, cuddled you, and ended up staying the night and really you should have known that Calypso was just a stupid jealous girl. who wouldn't be jealous of the girl who got to be with Leo.

Jason: Piper is over emotional. that's your opinion anyway. why can't she just- get over Jason and stop bursting into tears every time she sees you and him together, it's a little pathetic. and the way all her friends are set against you like snarling dogs. you and Annabeth used to be pretty good friends, Hazel used to be a total sweet heart, Leo and you used to come up with pretty great pranks, now they all hate you and you're kinda, really, terribly sick of it. you need to talk to Malcolm, capture the flag is tomorrow and you still haven't worked out all the details. as soon as you step into the Athena cabin you can feel her eyes inject poison and hate into your blood stream. "could you guys talk somewhere else" she spits and you totally lose it. "I never even did anything to you!" you yell "I'm sorry that Jason left Piper but I don't think it's any of your business acting hateful towards me just because she's a little heart broken. it's pathetic and really fucking 9th grade lunch room if you ask me" Annabeth stares at you open mouthed, gaping. her fish impression is really spot on. "I didn't do anything to be getting treated like this" you finish, cross your arms, wait for a response, know you've made things worse for yourself. "'re kinda right. I'm sorry (y/n)" Annabeth looks at you apologetically and her stormy eyes say she really is sorry. "thank you." you say shortly and turn back to Malcolm, capture the flag can't wait forever.

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